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Item Práce a štúdie - celé vydanie č.7(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020)Práce a štúdie - celé vydanie č.7Item POROVNANIE VÝCVIKOVÝCH OSNOV PILOTOV V ČESKOSLOVENSKU Z OBDOBIA I. SVETOVEJ VOJNY A II. SVETOVEJ VOJNY(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Beťková, Kristína; Kazda, AntonínThis paper covers the topic of the training curricula of pilots from the beginning of World War I till the end of World War II in Czechoslovakia. The purpose of this thesis was to focus on the process of the development of the training and factors, that affect this development. Since the author is in pilot training too, she considered it to be interesting enough to find out what was the development of the training and further process of adaptation, that she could later compare to the training she is a part of. The author obtained information mostly from description of historical events, that were substantiated by facts of evolution of aircraft. In the beginning, the thesis covers pilot training in the nowadays society and by obtaining additional information using the historical procedure, in individual chapters the author analyzes the functionality of training centers during particular periods, the characteristics of aircraft technology, the requirements imposed on pilots, the training itself and its development. Ultimately, the author concludes that the aircraft technology and the demands placed upon pilots during their career are the predominant causes of changes in training and, on the other hand, finds that the political situation, which used to affect the training during World War I and II greatly, is nowadays pushed to the background.Item PREVÁDZKOVÉ POSÚDENIE LIETADIEL PILATUS PC-12 A BEECHCRAFT B-200 KING AIR(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Biskupič, Tomáš; Jůn, FrantišekThe choice of topic and the beginning of its elaboration reflects the economic situation in Europe before the outbreak of the global pandemic of the COV-19 virus. The main goal of the bachelor thesis is to evaluate the positive development trend in the field of commercial aviation in connection with the use of rapid relocation of executives between companies, which leads to increase their efficient use of working time. For these purposes, we have selected the Pilatus PC-12 and Beechcraft King Air B-200GT (B-250), which are considered the most successful aircraft in this category. We assessed these aircraft not only from an operational but also from an economic point of view in connection with corporate aviation. The work is based on data given in the operating manuals of individual aircraft, professional articles and statistical data.Item DETEKCIA A OCHRANA OBJEKTOV PROTI PREVÁDZKE BEZPILOTNÝCH LIETADIEL(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Bujna, Erik; Škultéty, FilipThe main topic of this bachelor thesis is the detection and protection of objects against the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The necessity of addressing this issue is due to the increasing prevalence of UAVs and increase in reports of airspace penetrations by unauthorised UAV operations. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to analyse the problem and provide an overview of the possibilities and methods of protection against unmanned aircraft. The first part of the bachelor thesis provides a brief overview of the issue, including terminology, an overview of current legislation, the possibility of using unmanned aircraft together with incidents that have also become the subject of the problem. The following chapters examine in more detail the possibilities of detection and protection against unmanned aircraft. The comparative method compares the positive and negative aspects of individual detection methods. In the third chapter are provided specific solutions which are based on the methods of security protection and defined principles to operators of areas with the necessary security protection. The conclusion of the bachelor thesis includes the analysis of the Bratislava airport surrounding, the definition of the protective zones of airport together with the protective zones of navigation devices. The result is a proposal for implementation of detection system, which should to ensure regular and safe operation and to reduce the risk of flying unmanned aircraft over the airport. The proposal of securing the airport against UAVs offers the possibility to protect the nearest surroundings of the airport from the intrusion of unmanned aircraft and in case of disruption of the covered area of early warning and the possibility of responding to the threat.Item ANALÝZA AKTUÁLNYCH TRENDOV URČUJÚCICH SMER VÝVOJA BEZPILOTNÝCH PROSTRIEDKOV V CIVILNOM LETECTVE(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Butuk, Yosef; Ažaltovič, ViliamThis paper describes the current situation in the field of flying unmanned aircraft. It characterizes the legislative conditions in the Slovak Republic and the European Union and the areas of use of unmanned aerial vehicles. The main objective of the work is to analyze current trends that may affect the development of unmanned aircraft in civil aviation. The work also includes innovations in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles that could be implemented in the future. The conclusion of the bachelor thesis summarizes the results of the current analysis and predicting the future development of UAVs.Item HYBRIDNÉ POHONY LIETADIEL(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Dančová, Dominika; Janovec, MichalThe aim of this paper is to evaluate the propulsion of aircraft from the present to the future development of the aviation industry. The paper describes the negative effects on the environment, new possible solutions for drives, as well as design modifications of engines. The first chapter is focused on the current propulsion of aircraft and their basic division. Described piston and jet engines. The second and third chapters describe the propulsion of hybrid and electric aircraft. They have great potential for reducing fuel consumption in aviation, as fuel prices are constantly rising. Hybrid electric propulsion systems not only provide fuel economy benefits, but also reduce take-off noise and emissions. The final chapter is focused on the results of research into the development of hybrid and electric drives, evaluated possible assumptions of success of individual parts.Item KOMPARÁCIA MODELOV SPOPLATNENIA LETECKÝCH NAVIGAČNÝCH SLUŽIEB VO VYBRANÝCH KRAJINÁCH(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Dendisová, Mariana; Tomová, AnnaThis paper describes basic principles of Air Navigation Service Charging. It follows ICAO’s recommendations on the subject and also describes charging system applied to Single European Sky, which is then compared to the charging system in four selected countries, which are not members of the European Union. Selected counties are United Arab Emirates, Nepal, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Two comparative hypothetical flights are developed for each country in order to approximate the methods of calculating individual charges for given flights.Item POHONNÉ JEDNOTKY AKROBATICKÝCH LIETADIEL(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Dvoran, Filip; Čerňan, JozefThis paper aims to familiarize the reader with modifications of the engine parts of a light-sport aircraft necessary for aerial acrobatics. Modifications relating to the performance, operational capability, and resistance to the negative effects of the gravitational acceleration of acrobatic maneuvers to which the aircraft is subjected. First of all, the necessity of modification for the aircraft and its principle of operation is explained in the individual chapters. The secondary objective of the work is to introduce the design possibilities offered by manufacturing companies operating on the market, with the intention of the best product selection in the construction of acrobatic aircraft, with special requirements. The intention is to point out the factors that have to be taken into account when selecting products with their subsequent comparison in terms of technology used by the company for the best performance of the aircraft. The last chapter deals with the issue of aviation electrification, its use in aerobatic sports, and the advantages that the electric motor brings.Item PREVOZ ŽIVÝCH ZVIERAT V NÁKLADNÝCH PRIESTOROCH DOPRAVNÝCH LIETADIEL(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Fečíková, Kristína; Rostáš, JánThe paper is focused on the transport of live animals in cargo spaces of transport aircraft. The bachelor thesis consists of two separate chapters. The first chapter deals with the transport of live animals. It characterizes air transport of animals. It focuses on the ways of transporting animals. Describes animal cages. It deals with the definition of the term welfare. It focuses on cargo terminals and air freight information system. The second chapter of the thesis is devoted to general conditions in the transport of animals. It focuses on legislation in the field of animal transport. It describes requirements for transported animals and requirements for transport containers. The result of the thesis is a comprehensive framework for handling with possible application as a guide for this typical type of carriage.Item DETEKCIA A PREDIKCIA HROZBY NÁMRAZY NA ZÁKLADE ANALÝZY POVETERNOSTNEJ SITUÁCIE A SPRÁV O POČASÍ NA LETISKU ŽILINA(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Fodor, Pavol; Jarošová, MiriamThe aim of the paper was to introduce the issue of icing as a dangerous phenomenon in aviation, its effect and impact on the safety of air transport and to approach this dangerous phenomenon in terms of aviation meteorology. We also paid considerable interest to air accidents caused by icing. However, we primarily focused on the description of the different types of icing, its division and occurrence of icing throughout various weather situations. In addition, we paid attention to classify and evaluate the occurrence of the icing on a specific weather situation, which made it possible to effectively predict the occurrence, origin or intensity of icing. We have also introduced the current state of icing prediction and prevention of flight into meteorological conditions with danger of icing.