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    Práce a štúdie - celé vydanie č.16
    (University of Žilina, 2024)
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    Súčasný stav a rozvoj systému pohybových plôch na letisku M. R. Štefánika
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Adamík, Jozef; Kazda, Antonín
    In view of the dynamic development of air transport, it is essential that airport infrastructure is adapted to the requirements of modern aircraft. The thesis analyses the historical development of the infrastructure of M. R. Štefánik Airport (BTS). This research involves guided interviews and questionnaires with seven experts of practice who provided insight into the current state of the BTS airport. These experts were selected from five different areas, including BTS Airport, Air Navigation Service Provider (LPS), noise and vibration assessment (Euroakustik company), runway systems capacity, and the perspective of the Bratislava Metropolitan institute. The aim of the thesis is to propose appropriate recommendations for BTS Airport, the main proposal being the use of one runway (RWY) in 'mix mode' instead of using both RWYs at the same time. This proposal is supported by the cost of the RWY reconstruction, which has been compared with other airports in Europe and North America. To validate the capacity of a single RWY, the Airfield Capacity Spreadsheet Prototype Model (ACRP 79) will be used, in which several inputs have been adjusted according to BTS airport operations such as: aircraft operating from BTS airport, aircraft separations, aircraft approach speeds, and RWY occupancy time. The model simulates operations in August and December 2023 and projected operations in 2028. Other recommendations include modification of some taxiways (TWY), apron modifications, and analysis of the use of jetways on the apron stands. Finally, the impacts of a possible restriction of airport Curfew at BTS are also being examined.
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    Výpočet a optimalizácia venca lopatiek plynovej turbíny experimentálneho motora
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Martincová, Alexandra; Čerňan, Jozef
    The thesis deals with the calculation and optimization of the stage of the gas turbine distributor vanes of an experimental engine. The aim is to create an experimental turboshaft engine by combination of the Saphir 5 auxiliary power unit and a free gas turbine with a gearbox, derived from the TS-21 turbine starter. Through calculations, it is necessary to determine the optimal geometric parameters and the resulting number of stator vanes in order to design a 3D model of the gas turbine stator shroud as a connecting element between the Saphir 5 and the free gas turbine, which consists only of the rotor blades. The results of the work and the evaluation consists of calculations of the thermodynamic circulation of Saphir 5 and calculations of gas turbines. It also contains the design of the stator ring of a free gas turbine, as an intermediate member or flange of two aggregates creating an experimental engine. The 3D model and optimization is created using the Creo 7.0 program, which are based on the calculation of the gas turbine itself. In the end, we will get to the answers and to the summary of the results that created the exact design of the experimental engine.
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    Trhové stratégie v BA so zameraním na Spojené štáty americké
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Bendík, Dávid; Tomová, Anna
    This paper discusses market strategies in business aviation with a focus on the United States. The first part of the paper is devoted to the definition, origins, and historical evolution of business aviation. It also includes an appraisal of the global significance of BA with an emphasis on Europe and the United States. The second part of the paper explains why it is beneficial to analyse market strategies in BA in the United States. Close attention is given to two highly important market strategies. The third, practical part of the paper provides essential data on the nineteen business airlines discussed by the author, along with an analysis of their fleet structure. In this part, the paper also focuses on the market tenure of the individual BA companies, offers a comparative analysis of their product portfolios, investigates acquisitions and collaborations, and characterizes the United States business aviation segment using Porter’s Five Forces analysis. The last part of the paper is dedicated to the interpretation of the main findings. The analyses conducted in the paper were based on business airline websites, aviation internet magazine articles and a research website that concentrates on the business aviation sector.
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    Podnikanie v civilnom letectve v SR a jeho špecifiká
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Ďuricová, Ema; Novák Sedláčková, Alena
    The paper deals with business activities in Slovak civil aviation from the point of view of connecting international legislation with national legislation. There are described the conditions of business activities, the requirements associated with the receiving of licenses and approximates the connection of general legal regulations of business and labor law to civil aviation. It defines the key European Union regulations and their relationship to national legislation. It analyzes business relations and their impact on the development of aviation, as well as the impact on business activities and the Commercial Code general conditions as lex generalis. In order to define specifics, it compares the commercial law legislation of the Slovak Republic with the Czech Republic in the primary features of establishing legal entities of airlines or airports. The paper is focused on the labor relations in aviation, as well as the issue of established trade unions. It deals in detail with the analysis of the impact of the pandemic caused by the spread of the disease COVID-19 on the civil aviation labor market as well as changes in legislation. The last part of the paper tried to identify all necessity procedures for an airline licensed in the Slovak Republic.
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    Systém riadenia informačnej bezpečnosti (ISMS) a návrh jeho implementácie u prevádzkovateľa letiska
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Gahír, Jakub; Kontárová, Denis
    The thesis is mainly focused on solving the problem of information security management system, subsequent analysis of legislative requirements in the Slovak Republic and the EU and comparison of the current state of implementation of the information security management system in the selected area at the M. R. Štefánik Airport in Bratislava with the minimum requirements for the selected area specified in the legislation. The work is systematically divided, with the first part being devoted to introducing the reader to the issues of the information security management system. The second part is focused on the analysis of individual legislative requirements in the Slovak Republic and the EU respectively. The third part is devoted to the components of the information security management system itself. The following fourth part is the main one and deals with the elaboration of the proposal for the implementation of the information security management system at the airport operator and the comparison of the current state of implementation in the selected area at the M. R. Štefánik Airport with the minimum requirements for the given area.
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    Návrh riešenia riadenia skupiny UAV
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Gúcky, Jozef; Bugaj, Martin
    This thesis addresses the challenges and solutions to the management of groups of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Using a comparative analysis approach, the research evaluates UAV group management methods in terms of their effectiveness under various criteria. The findings suggest that swarm algorithms, inspired by the collective behavior of natural systems, offer a better approach to achieve decentralized, adaptive, and scalable control of UAV groups. This thesis contributes to this field by providing a comprehensive analysis of UAV group management strategies and demonstrating the benefits of swarm algorithms across a variety of criteria. This research has implications for enhancing the capabilities and effectiveness of UAVs in applications such as search and rescue, environmental monitoring, etc.
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    Analýza rizík prevádzky UAS v osobitej kategórii
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Hruška, Dávid; Bugaj, Martin
    The rapid development of drone technology brings a wide range of opportunities in various sectors, but the integration of drones into urban environments requires a careful assessment of ground risks. This thesis explores the challenges and solutions of risk assessment in Žilina. The thesis uses the SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment) methodology and analyses available population density data and city maps. The analysis shows that the operation of UAS in Žilina is associated with different degrees of ground risks, which vary depending on the location and type of operation. The densely populated city centre poses the highest risk. Responsible operation of UAS requires a comprehensive approach to risk management that includes precise route planning, risk mitigation strategies and use of data.
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    Politika obstarania lietadiel leasingom podľa modelu podnikania leteckých dopravcov
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Chynoranský, Jakub; Tomová, Anna
    The paper analyses the possible dependence of airline business models and the ratio of aircraft acquired through leasing in their fleets. The research sample consisted of 15 airlines, with 4 categories of business models represented: low-cost (LCC), 2 hybrid and full-service network business model (FSC). Based on the results obtained, we can conclude the dependence of business models and leasing ratio in the case of research sample. The demonstrated dependence was confirmed in the analysis when the scale of the fleet was taken into account. The findings confirm the view of the authors describing the low-cost business model as the one with a higher tendency to acquire aircraft by leasing, and, on the contrary, the traditional network model with a lower tendency. However, unlike other authors' studies, we have shown that the increase in the proportion of leased aircraft in fleets over the 2018-2022 study period was experienced by carriers in all business model categories, and the rise in the leasing market was not driven by growth in one business model - FSC. We propose to include the ratio of leased aircraft in the airline fleet among the attributes of the business model analysis, but an important step is to consider fleet size. We recommend conducting a similar analysis on a wider sample of airlines and continuing to research this topic.
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    Automatický bezpilotný klzák ako nosič aerologických sond
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Kapustík, Samuel Michal; Pecho, Pavol
    Unmanned aerial vehicles are increasingly being used to make our lives more enjoyable and easier, whether through the ability to capture key moments in our lives in high definition, or by automatically mapping hard-to-reach terrain, or even significantly assisting in the search for missing persons. This thesis discusses and approaches the possible expansion of the usability of unmanned flying vehicles, along with a proposal to create a more economical and environmentally friendly way of using aerological probes, such as the Vaisala RS41, to provide us with invaluable data needed to create accurate weather forecasts. Furthermore, the procedure for setting up such an unmanned flying vehicle using an advanced autopilot system is explained, and this thesis also includes specific results achieved in the experimental work associated with it. With the proposed solution, it will be possible to use the funds allocated to meteorological research and measurements.more efficiently.