Univerzitná knižnica - Vedecké odborné časopisy
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Item 160 km/h on the Highway(University of Zilina, 2016) Rievaj, Vladimír; Mokričková, LenkaThe speed limit on the highways of Slovak Republic is 130 km/h. It is recently considered the increase of this speed on some sections to the 1600 km/h. However this increase brings with it a substantial negative impacts. On the basis of its evaluation appears to increase this speed to 160 km/h as inappropriateItem 3D modelovanie pre potreby simulačnej rekonštrukcie pádu ľudského subjektu z výšky(University of Žilina, 2023) Kolla, Eduard; Adamová, VeronikaThe article presents the methodology for 3D modelling for biomechanical evaluation of falls from the height of a human subject. It focuses on 3D modelling as a base for numerical simulation using multibody modules in the PC-Crash simulation software. Basic steps for the creation of a 3D multibody model of the relevant building structure from a 3D point cloud are presented, as well as the procedure for the creation of a biofidelic female human body model. The multibody model of building structure and a multibody model of the human body can be in the following steps used for comprehensive parametric evaluation of possible fall scenarios using the iterative approach for convergence of trace correspondences.Item Accompanying phenomena during casting of aluminium alloys(University of Žilina, 2023) Galčík, Marek; Brůna, Marek; Medňanský, MartinAn oxide layer is formed on the surface of a molten aluminium alloy when it is exposed to the surrounding atmosphere. The oxide layer on the surface of the melt is not harmful. The problem occurs when it is entrained into the melt volume and solidifies in the casting. The paper deals with the formation of the oxide layer, its types and the formation of a double oxide layers.Item Advancements in VDL and CPDLC: revolutionizing European aviation communication(University of Žilina, 2023) Novák, Andrej; Kováčiková, KristínaThe paper is focused on the transformative impact of VDL and CPDLC on aviation safety, efficiency, and reliability. Tracing the historical evolution from radio systems to the adoption of VDL and its integration within Europe's unified airspace initiatives, this paper deals with key theories including VDL Mode 2, ACARS, Aeronautical Telecommunication Network, ADS-B, and CPDLC. Emphasizing interdisciplinary collaboration to tackle communication challenges, the paper spotlights CPDLC's evolution integrating AI, Machine Learning, cybersecurity protocols, and technological integrations like 5G and satellites. Human-Computer Interaction research underscores user-friendly CPDLC interface designs. Methodologies encompass operational analyses, communication protocols, avionics technologies, and usability testing. Aligning with the Single European Sky initiative, the integration of VDL and CPDLC anticipates emerging trends while addressing challenges like interoperability, training complexities, and cybersecurity vulnerabilities through proposed solutions. The paper offers a comprehensive understanding of advancements shaping the modern aviation communication landscape.Item THE ADVANTAGES OF PLANT PROTECTION BY USING UAV OF AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION AND ULV TECHNOLOGY(University of Zilina, 2019) Yun, Gennadiy; Pederiy, Yuri; Gnashuk, AndreiThe article deals with the design of agricultural UAVs. In recent years, various agricultural UAVs (mainly the copter configuration) have been developed for processing small fields using the method of ultra-low-volume spraying. The proposed project of an agricultural UAV aircraft configuration has several advantages especially when used on large fields. Due to the high flight speed, high payload and the duration of flight time without refuelling, this aircraft has a fairly high performance in the process of protecting plants from diseases and pests. In addition, a relatively simple infrastructure, based on the years of experience in the use of manned aircraft in agriculture, allows, by analogy, to develop an unmanned aviation system for agricultural purposes. Flights are currently underway to test UAV control systems when manoeuvring at low altitudes near obstacles.Item AEROjournal - celé číslo 1/2019(University of Zilina, 2019) Novák, Andrej; Lusiak, Tomasz; Kováčik, Ľubomír; Škultéty, Filip; Čerňan, Jozef; Rostáš, Ján; Bugaj, Martin; Pecho, Pavol; Lusiak, Tomasz; Janovec, Michal; Urminský, Tomáš; Škvareková, Iveta; Kandera, Branislav; Ažaltovič, ViliamItem AEROjournal - celé číslo 1/2020(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020)Item AEROjournal - celé číslo 1/2021 (University of Žilina, 2021)Item AEROjournal - celé číslo 1/2022(University of Zilina, 2022)Item AEROjournal - celé číslo 1/2023(University of Žilina, 2023)Item AEROjournal - celé číslo 2/2019(University of Zilina, 2019) Kováčik, Ľubomír; Novák, Andrej; Lusiak, Tomasz; Škultéty, Filip; Poljak, Jozef; Yun, Gennadiy; Pederiy, Yuri; Gnashuk, Andrei; Bartoš, Miroslav; Badánik, Benedikt; Jarošová, Miriam; Kazda, Antonín; Bugaj, Martin; Materna, MatúšItem AEROjournal - celé číslo 2/2020(University of Zilina, 2020)Item Item Item AEROjournal - celé číslo 2/2023(University of Žilina, 2023)Item Aeronautical Telecommunication Network(University of Zilina, 2016) Novák, Andrej; Žáčik, NikolasThis paper summarizes the results of a study of modern telecommunication technology in the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network. The article deals with the integration of modern telecommunication technology into the still developing sector of aeronautical telecommunication. The ATN is a data communications inter-network that provides its users a robust and reliable Air/Air, Air/Ground and Ground/Ground communications service.Item Airlines in Poland(University of Zilina, 2015) Rut, Patrycja; Łusiak, Tomasz; Novák, Andrej; Žáčik, NikolasIn this article is described the concept of the airline. This article describes the different types of airline concepts which can occur in the airline market. The main topic of this research is description of all Polish airlines in detail. You can find in this topic description of each Polish airline also with a fleet and departures what were main attributes for this research and for determining of airline model of each Polish companyItem Aktuálne trendy v oblasti drogovej kriminality(University of Žilina, 2024) Šoltés, Viktor; Kysela, FilipDrug crime is a specific type of crime that primarily threatens the life and health of an individual who uses drugs. However, it also has a secondary impact on society, in that drug addicts suffer from health problems, the treatment of which is covered by public health funds. At the same time, the sale of illegal drugs is among the most profitable illegal businesses in the world. New types of drugs are increasingly appearing on the market. Largely young people who are not aware of the health risks and the impact on the rest of their lives resulting from the use of these drugs also become users. The aim of the contribution is to analyse drug crime committed in Slovakia with an emphasis on juveniles and to describe the negative effects of selected drugs, the users of which are mainly these persons. The results of the contribution will bring an innovative view of current forms and trends in the field of drug crime, which will be useful in the implementation of drug crime prevention.Item ALOKÁCIA SPRACOVATEĽSKÉHO STREDISKA V PREPRAVNEJ SIETI ZOHĽADŇUJÚCA REÁLNY TOK OBJEMU ZÁSIELOK(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Macík, MartinArticle deals with the allocation of main mail processing and distribution center of the national postal operator. Determination takes into consideration the distance between the centers and the actual volume of postal items. The aim of optimization is to improve quality and management of postal operator. In the current difficult economic situation all companies must adopt such action that would reduce their expense and increase profits.Item AMSS in Europe(University of Žilina, 2022) Novák, Andrej; Kováčiková, KristínaNowadays, technology is developing rapidly, therefore satellite and aviation systems need to keep pace with modern trends and new technology. The paper is focused on satellite systems and aviation systems. Based on analysis of the issues it is possible to take measures against problems that may arise in the future. There is a need for satellite-based navigation system that can solve the problems of the existing systems and make the existing systems better and more efficient by providing great convenience to the airspace users for the safe, efficient, comfortable and economical realisation of flights in the future. The paper contains information about Air Communication and Navigation Systems and discusses the state of current aviation and satellite systems.