Univerzitná knižnica - Zborníky

Permanent URI for this communityhttps://drepo.uniza.sk/handle/hdluniza/119


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    Requirements for CAT SET-IMC certification
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Královenský, Marek; Škultéty, Filip
    The diploma thesis deals with requirements for certification of single-engine turbine aircraft involved in commercial air transport and operated in instrument meteorological conditions or at night. The work in the first part introduces the theoretical background of the whole problem and presents to the reader the reasons why the approval of this type of operation in Europe was necessary. Subsequently, the second part of the work states all necessary requirements for obtaining approval for this type of operation, including the legislative framework and the risk analysis. The following section in work demonstrates different values of risk periods along the same route, depending on different conditions affecting aircraft performance. It also introduces possible new means for increasing safety in case of engine failure and subsequent drift down. The aim of the work is to provide a comprehensive overview throughout the certification process and offer existing operators new solutions for their SET-IMC operations, which could also improve their level of safety.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Královenský, Marek; Jůn, František
    This paper deals with modern technologies available in transport aircraft, of which the implementation in instrument flight training would contribute to improving the quality and safety of training provided. The work in the first part analyzes the current state of the problem. Subsequently, the second part of the work describes the basic theory of the principle of operation of the modern systems and provides possible examples of the use of available equipment in instrument flight training. The last part of the work evaluates the contribution to increasing safety and quality of training. The aim of the work is to provide novice pilots with basic information about available inertial systems used in transport aircraft, as there is still a lack of available literature in the Slovak language dealing with these devices.