Univerzitná knižnica - Zborníky

Permanent URI for this communityhttps://drepo.uniza.sk/handle/hdluniza/119


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    Analysis of the implementation of Part-147 in the environment of air transport department and aviation training and educational centre
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Vyskoč, Lukáš; Rostáš, Ján
    The following article is announcing author analysis of EASA Part 147 regulation and its application for the creation of the Maintenance Training Organization under Aviation Training and Educational Centre (ATEC), and Air Transport Department (ATD) in the University of Žilina (UNIZA). Introduction of article includes main targets and methodology of its processing. In the beginning of the work, it deals with theoretical outcomes derived from current regulations relevant to Part 147 with corresponding Applicable Means of Compliance (AMC) which brings essential basics of the MTO. The main part consequently elaborates substantial chapters with direct overview of conditions and requirements to be fulfilled by personnel, environment and full scope of manuals and procedures included in the facilities of UNIZA located in the Airport Žilina. Upon current (existing) conditions it identifies all requirements to be implemented in MTO to satisfy its initial audit and certification. To the most practical outcome of this article belongs MTO manual processed in line with all regulations and their local implementation on the ATEC and ATD environmentincluding training modules and training conditions for on job training itself. In the final chapter there are instructions and recommendations for MTO development as well sustainability of the processes to satisfy also the students' knowledge, skills and abilities for their future transport Authority examination and also for their successful applicability in practice.
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    Evaluation of Slovak manufactured aircraft suitable for pilot training in flight training organization
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Pavlusíková, Emília Alexandra; Chodelka, Frederik
    Aeroplanes described in this paper are designed for sporting and recreational purposes, but also meet the requirements for training purposes of pilots. Paper is focused on detailed characterization and technical specification of individual aeroplane, their usability, safety, and economy. The contribution of the title is to create a methodology for selecting aeroplanes suitable for training purposes in a particular training organization, and subsequently applying the procedure to the one of the aeroplanes.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Fraňková, Daniela; Topolčány, Roman
    The paper is focused on the precautionary landing, its procedures and decisions that affect the pilot during the flight and landing itself. The main purpose of the work is a detailed analysis of procedures, circumstances supporting the aforementioned decision, as well as safety landing training and the scope of exercises of this role in pilot training. The work describes in detail the methodology for precautionary landing, simulation of precautionary landing and analysis of the most ideal area for landing. Furthermore, the work mentions the legislation that affects flight training, as well as legislation governing in-flight emergency procedures. Last but not least, the possibilities of precautionary landing training and the most ideal procedures in an emergency situation are also described within. Theoretical knowledge was achieved by studying available materials and practice. The conclusion of the training of precautionary landing is to train the excercise in other training tasks than prescribed for precautionary and emergency landing. The result is a summary of information and practical advice for the correct execution of the landing with the least possible risk of injury to the flight crew and damage to property.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Hudáčková, Barbora; Kandera, Branislav
    This paper describes basic helicopter pilot training, regulatory requirements for theoretical and practical training and specialized types of training in Slovak air force and helicopter emergency medical service Air Transport Europe. The aim of the work was to introduce the reader to helicopter training in the area of Slovak Republic in brief form and its possible use. The thesis also deals with the training of pilots themselves, and their perception of training.