Krízový manažment - Ročník 21.; Číslo 2/2022

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    Krízový manažment - celé číslo 2/2022
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022)
    Celé číslo 2/2022
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    Krízové situácie v prostredí Slovenskej republiky
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022) Kubás, Jozef
    Protection of life, health, property and environment of the inhabitants is a need of all countries in the world. In order for states to be able to manage difficult crisis phenomena, it is necessary to have support in the law. In Slovakia, there are several states of crisis that can be declared or terminated under certain circumstances. The article is focused on the analysis of individual laws that deal with the issue of crisis situations. The article also analyzes individual crisis situations that existed in Slovakia during a certain period. The issue of crisis situations is supplemented by comparative tables of extraordinary events and II. and III. degree of flood activity. These events often precede the declaration of a state of crisis. During II and III. degree of flood activity, rescue works are carried out to prevent the occurrence of floods. That is why the article is supplemented with an analysis of these case in the environment of the Slovak Republic.
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    Uplatnenie manažmentu rizík a krízového manažmentu v športovom podnikaní
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022) Buganová, Katarína; Hudáková, Mária; Furiak, Kristián
    This article focuses on the need to apply the principles and procedures of risk management and crisis management as tools for increasing resilience and responsiveness in the environment of sports organizations and sports entrepreneurs. In this context, risk management is seen as a prevention tool. Crisis management, on the other hand, plays the role of a means aimed at the ability to respond correctly to an incipient or ongoing crisis to minimize its negative effects. In the first part, the article points out the specifics of the environment in which sports organizations operate and in which sports entrepreneurs carry out their business activities. In the second part, the article discusses the roles of crisis management and risk management in the phase of prevention and response to crises and, above all, their specific impact on the environment of sports organizations. Based on the above, the article shows how it is appropriate to implement the described procedures and processes so that they correspond as closely as possible to the specific requirements of organizations and optimize their functioning in this environment.
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    Vyhodnocení součinitele adheze vybraných pneumatik pro zásahový požární automobil
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022) Jánošík, Ladislav; Jánošíková, Ivana; Poledňák, Pavel; Šudrychová, Izabela
    The paper summarizes the results of testing and evaluation of the suitability of three selected types of tires for emergency fire trucks at units of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. The testing focused on determining the coefficient of adhesion in the longitudinal and lateral directions of the vehicle. In the longitudinal direction, data were obtained during braking manoeuvres. The actual braking distances and stopping times were measured. From these data, a braking deceleration and a theoretical coefficient of adhesion were calculated by a company's software. To determine the operating acceleration values in the lateral direction, measurements were made on a circular track with three given internal radii. The results of the measurements were used as one of the bases for determining a methodical procedure for performing tests of the functional tire properties for emergency fire trucks, especially water tenders, used by the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.
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    Právny rámec dobrovoďných hasičských zborov obcí
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022) Ballay, Michal
    The article points out the legal status and position of the voluntary fire department dealing with adverse events, whose task is to protect the residents and other subjects of the law. The article focuses on the fire brigades, which are within the establishment competence of the self-government. It also highlights the importance of volunteer fire brigades in municipalities and their subsequent position in the overall distribution of forces and resources in the Slovak Republic. In more detail, firefighting units are categorized according to the degree of danger and the current number of voluntary fire brigades of municipalities in the Slovak Republic.
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    Využitie virtuálnej reality vo výučbe v oblasti bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia pri práci
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022) Mitašová, Veronika; Košútová, Katarína; Cidlinová, Anna
    Development and progress in education involve the usage of new methods and tools. An effective way of acquiring new skills and knowledge is the application of augmented reality or virtual reality. It is also confirmed by many conducted pieces of research mentioned in the paper. The specific field of education discussed here is occupational health and safety (OHS). Initiatives for new forms of education are also present in this area, including the application of virtual reality. The paper describes the use of virtual reality in the teaching process at the Faculty of Security Engineering, UNIZA.
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    Možné využití rozšířené reality u Policie České republiky
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022) Džermanský, Martin
    The article deals with the possibilities of applying augmented reality technology to the Police of the Czech Republic. With growing technologies and the need to face increasingly complex emergencies and crises, it is necessary to focus on more up-to-date procedures and their management with the help of modern technologies. One of these technologies is augmented reality, which is slowly but surely establishing its place in the processes of preparing for emergencies and their resolution. Compared to virtual reality technology, it is not yet so accessible and user-friendly, but many projects studying this issue have already appeared. The article's objectives are achieved by the methods of explanation, comparison, and identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The results are the findings from the augmented reality environment, which are either being prepared or already used abroad by police forces. The article also includes a table describing the strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats of the application of augmented reality in the Police.
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    Súčasné problémy a výzvy v bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia pri práci v Európskej únii a novovznikajúce riziká
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022) Ďaďová, Alena; Michalík, David; Košutová, Katarína; Cidlinová, Anna; Vala, Jiří
    The article presents the conclusions of the ESNER surveys at the European level, with the primary goal of deriving the necessary lessons for the next period. These are subsequently transformed into strategic documents of the European Union in the form of a strategic framework. The Strategic Framework for the years 2021-2027 is currently valid. The article used statistical data evaluations and conclusions using synthesis. It is possible to state that problems in companies in the field of safety and health protection at work are predominantly connected to the activities of employees who need incentives to a reasonable extent from their employers. However, this process is not facile considering the current turbulent period. Therefore, the enforcement of policies from the European Union towards the member states appears to be a necessity.
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    Testovanie trasovacieho systému v uzavretom priestore
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022) Skýpalová, Erika; Loveček, Tomáš
    The article focuses on the reliability investigation of the tracking system in a confined space concerning the quality of the received signal. Positioning in the outdoor environment allows us to reach any destination without prior knowledge and understanding of its surroundings. However, emphasis is also placed on the problem of positioning in confined spaces. The importance of indoor positioning stems primarily from the need to navigate people in objects. Tracking systems based on Bluetooth Low Energy technology are used to determine the location of people in confined spaces. They are currently applied in various industries, and their implementation is growing in importance. The article contains a theoretical overview focusing on the characteristics and importance of tracking systems. In the methodological part, we investigate the reliability of the selected tracking system in specific confined space conditions based on implemented tests. The conclusion of the article contains an evaluation of the achieved results. We also highlight the advantages and shortcomings of the tested system.
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    Testovanie pripravenosti na phishingový útok v zdravotníckych zariadeniach
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022) Madleňák, Matúš; Kampová, Katarína
    This article deals with testing the preparedness of a selected group of users for phishing attacks. It consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part defines the basic framework of phishing attacks. It describes the basic knowledge and definitions that need to be mastered to understand the given area. The practical part consists of testing the preparedness of a specific reference group of users through phishing training and phishing tests. The data collected from thetesting was further analysed and compared to determine the potential use of phishing training and phishing testing in organisations.