Aspekty mravnostnej kriminality v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky
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University of Žilina
In the presented article, we focused on the phenomenology of moral criminality in the conditions of the Slovak Republic, primarily derived from statistical data maintained by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic. Emphasis was placed primarily on the analysis of the state and elucidation of selected offenses of moral criminality, their level, dynamics, and structure. The first chapter describes the fundamental theoretical foundations of the issue from the perspective of criminology (etiology of moral criminality), as well as from the perspective of criminalistics. From a criminalistic perspective, we focused on describing the criminalistic characteristics of moral offenses, which significantly contribute to understanding the causes and conditions of committing these offenses and contribute to the formulation of effective preventive measures. The result of the research and analysis is the recognition of the phenomenology of the selected criminality in domestic conditions and the description of a possible procedure and process for the prevention of moral criminality.
Phenomenology of moral criminality, Criminalistic characteristics of moral criminality, Prevention