Technológ - Ročník 15.; Číslo 1/2023

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    Technológ - celé číslo 1/2023
    (University of Žilina, 2023)
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    Dodatočné spracovanie spekaných materiálov
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Kantoríková, Elena
    Powder metallurgy is a method of producing materials and products with required properties and required exact shapes. The development of new materials contributes to this. The general advantage of powder metallurgy is the possibility of producing parts of complex and precise shapes in large series and optimized production costs, resulting from lower energy requirements compared to casting and chip machining.
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    Návrh programu pre automatické vyhodnotenie obrazu výtlačku zosnímaného CCD kamerou
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Pijáková, Katarína; Štalmach, Ondrej; Sága, Milan; Vaško, Milan
    The aim is to create a program for the automatic evaluation of hardness from a series of images taken by a CCD camera. We will present the different functions of the proposed program. In the first step, we created an algorithm that selects the image with the most suitable sharpness from a series of images of different sharpness. In the second step, we created an algorithm that evaluated the imprint area on the selected image, from which it computed the resulting hardness. We then incorporate the algorithms into a single resulting program. We compare he measurements of the program with measurements at the University of Žilina and on a manual V 10/HT instrument.
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    Prehľad doterajšieho výskumu výroby harmonického prevodu
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Kepeň Harachová, Daniela; Maláková, Silvia; Sivák, Samuel
    Harmonic Drive, also called Harmonic Drive gear, harmonic gear, or strain wave gearing, mechanical speed-changing device, invented in the 1950s, that reduces the gear ratio of a rotary machine to increase torque. It operates on a principle different from that of conventional speed changers. Harmonic drive products are unique precision speed reducers playing important roles in robots, semiconductor manufacturing systems, factory automation equipment and furthermore, in aerospace equipment that may convey our human dreams.
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    Tvárnenie v hydraulickom prostredí explóziou
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Moravec, Ján
    The article describes and analyses the issue of explosive sheet metal forming in a hydro environment. In the introductory part, the necessary theoretical and technological knowledge is presented, which is necessary as a theoretical introduction to the issue. The explosion process in a liquid environment is described. The reflection from the surface and bottom of the tank used in the experiment is important. The paper only offers a view of the theoretical side of the process, because the legislative framework does not yet allow direct experimental work to be carried out, which must be done by a certified specialist in the handling of explosives.
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    Manévrovateľnosť a stabilita pohybu kĺbového autobusu, systém HST
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Sakhno, Volodymyr; Gerlici, Juraj; Kravchenko, Oleksandr; Poljakov, Viktor; Chovcha, Iryna; Dižo, Ján
    The mathematical model of a hinged-rear bus with a system of turning a hook-and-loop section for a dynamic way of turning is broken down. For the developed model, indicators of manoeuvrability and stability of the bus were appointed. The input of the design parameters of the bus and the trailer, the transfer ratio of the control drive and the magnitude of the galvanic moment to the indicators of the manoeuvrability of the bus are analysed. On the basis of the results, in the analysis of the rational values of the gear ratios, which ensure the proximity of the trajectories of the characteristic points of the bus and the trailer, the value of the gear ratio of 0.85 was selected, which ensures the minimum value of the RMK.
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    Uzatváranie koncov rúr v tvarovej lisovnici
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Moravec, Ján
    The paper describes the issue of closing pipe ends in a pressing tool specially designed for this work. Theoretical relations from the theory of forming form the necessary basis for the subsequent design of the tool. production process. A simple tool with the application and consideration of theoretical knowledge usually brings a significant effect expressed not only financially, but also qualitatively, which was also confirmed in this case.
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    Výroba ozubených kolies pomocou 3D tlače
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Maláková, Silvia; Kepeň Harachová, Daniela; Sivák, Samuel
    Gear transmission can consist of gear wheels that are made of different materials and technologies. The manufacturing process of gear wheels depends mainly on the required properties and the choice of material. Less expensive methods can be used for gears where the load is minimal and high precision is not required. Such methods include, for example, the production of plastic wheels by injection into molds or additive manufacturing. Today, additive technologies are being used more and more, which, among other things, are also used to produce gears. In this article, various types of additive technology are described, as well as materials that are often used in this method of production.
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    Конструктивные особенности современных горных велосипедов, часть 2.
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Дижо, Ян; Блатницкий, Мирослав; Васильевич Ищук, Вадим; Молнар, Денис; Солчанский, Себастьян; Плайдичко, Борис
    Cycling and bicycles become still more and more popular. People transport themselves to the work, to the school, to shops and other by bicycles. Bicycles represent quite effective transport means regarding to production of gas emissions, noise emissions together with better possibilities to leave them near to wanted facilitates. However, bicycles are suitable for recreations. Currently, trips to nature are very popular. For safe cycling, it is appropriate to use a proper bicycle. There are terrain bicycles, which have the design customized for riding in the heavy-road conditions. This article includes an introduction to the topic of design modern terrain bicycles, their main types and description of their basic characteristics.
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    Generatívny dizajn pri konštrukčnom návrhu tvarov telies čelných ozubených kolies
    (2023) Sivák, Samuel; Maláková, Silvia; Kepeň Harachová, Daniela
    A paper was prepared related to current design engineering advancements. Topological optimization and generative design were some of these advancements. The process of topology optimization was explained in the following chapters. Each step is broken down into a paragraph, where it is explained and illustrated with a picture. In a SolidWorks program, topology optimization is detailed step-by-step. The last part, which lays out the subsequent approach and other possibilities, summarizes the benefits and drawbacks of this software's approach.