Technológ - Ročník 15.; Číslo 1/2023

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    Analýza pozdĺžneho zaťaženia kontajnera so stenami vyrobenými zo sendvičových panelov
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Vatulia, Glib; Gerlici, Juraj; Lovska, Alyona; Krasnokutskyi, Yevhen
    The article presents the results of determining the longitudinal dynamic load of a container of standard size 1CC with sandwich panel walls. A mathematical model was developed that takes into account the longitudinal load of a container placed on a platform wagon during a displacement collision. The use of sandwich containers as components was found to contribute 10 % to the active container design in the longitudinal plane compared to the typical design. A calculation of the strength of the container was carried out. At the same time, the maximum voltages are 18.6 % lower than permissible. Conducted research in preparation for the creation of recommendations for the design of modern modular vehicle structures and increasing the production of the transport industry