Práce a štúdie - Vydanie 13

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    Práce a štúdie - celé vydanie č.13
    (University of Žilina, 2023)
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    Aircraft airfoils
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Haluzová, Kristína; Bugaj, Martin; Hrúz, Michal
    This work deals with the airfoils of aircraft. First of all, it focuses on the general properties of wings. Furthermore, the work deals with the issue of various types of wing shape and compares individual shapes of airfoils, their properties and gradual development. Next, current wings of commercial aircraft are described, dealing with the materials used, types of winglets, mechanization of the wing and also different uses of the airfoils. The work also describes and compares wings of two famous commercial airliners – Boeing 737-800 and Airbus A320-200. In the end, the work also focuses on various concepts of the wings of the future, and how sustainability affects future development.
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    Modification of the of the viper SD-4 braking system
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Antoniuk, Kateryna; Škultéty, Filip
    The Viper SD-4 is an excellent example of a Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) category of training aeroplanes. It is produced in Slovakia and used in several European countries and also in the United States of America. It is a very high-quality made aircraft, but some of the pilots say that it has one not very convenient component, which is the operation of the brake system. In this article researched how the brake system can be modified based on data from other brake systems used for the LSA category. The result of this research is the possible variants of the anticipated modifications and the analysis of the relevance of such changes.
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    Wing platforms of supersonic aircraft
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Tabernaus, Richard; Bugaj, Martin; Hrúz, Michal
    Goal of the paper is to describe various wing designs used in supersonic aircraft and their impact on lift, drag and stability with emphasis on high speed civil transport. Paper describes transonic and supersonic region, where formation of shockwaves is prevalent, and air behaves differently from subsonic region. The paper then describes different wing configurations and planforms affect the formation of lift and drag with emphasis on straight wing, swept wing and delta wing planfroms. It also provides insight into the history and the present research of supersonic flight with emphasis on civil transport.
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    Design of the system for the optimal composition of the fuel-air mixture of the M60 engine
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Koša, Dávid; Čerňan, Jozef
    The aim of article is to design a system for maintaining the optimal composition of the fuel-air mixture in an internal combustion engine, to describe in more detail the principle of mixture preparation with the help of carburation, and in connection with this to explain the issue of exhaust gas temperature. In the first part, the work deals with the function, then the construction, individual types of carburetor, direct and indirect fuel injection. In the second part, attention is paid to the mixture as such, its composition and especially the appropriate ratio of air and fuel. Subsequently, he deals with the issue of the temperature of the cylinder heads and the temperature of the exhaust gases, where he explains how exhaust gases are formed, what they are composed of and what effect they have on the independent operation of the engine. The last part is dedicated to the description of the experimental engine M60, in which the given parameters, construction and partially described development procedure of this experimental type of engine are briefly characterized, but also contains a proposal of a technical solution that will allow control of the composition of the mixture based on the analysis of exhaust gases.
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    Analýza operačného oddelenia leteckej spoločnosti
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Chalás, Tomáš; Durkáč, Michal
    Článok analyzuje činnosti a každodenné fungovanie operačného oddelenia leteckej spoločnosti. Zaoberá sa ďalej povolaním dispečera letovej prevádzky, jeho náplňou práce a zodpovednosťou, ktorú v rámci svojho zamestnania má. Pri jej tvorbe boli využite rôzne internetové zdroje, interné dokumenty leteckej spoločnosti, knižničné zdroje, ale aj poznanie autora z vlastného pozorovania dennej prevádzky strediska OCC lovenskej leteckej spoločnosti AirExplore. V článku je popísaná aj potrebná kvalifikácia a požiadavky na znalosti pre osobu, ktorá by sa chcela na podobnej pozícii raz zamestnať. Pri skúmaní tejto oblasti boli použité poznatky z platnej legislatívy. V závere práce sú popísané, a navrhnuté zmeny učebného plánu, ktoré by mohli uľahčiť študentom odboru letecká doprava na Žilinskej Univerzite a leteckej spoločnosti výcvik na danú pozíciu.
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    The posibility of icing during light precipitation as a dangerous phenomenom for flying at Slovak airports
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Ševčík, Matej; Šajbanová, Kristína
    In this article, we will focus on icing as a dangerous phenomenon for civil aviation. In the theoretical part, we will take a closer look at the conditions under which icing forms, where it forms on the plane and what types of icing we know. Furthermore, the article includes how we can prevent the formation of icing and how we an protect ourselves from it. In the practical part, we will analyze data using METAR reports from airports in Slovakia for the last 5 years. We will determine the conditions under which icing could form and then ompare them together. The result of the work should be an analysis that determines how many times icing occurred at the airports of Slovakia, in what time of year icing forms the most.
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    Analysis of selected vital functions of a pilot during flight
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Rimarčík, Timotej; Chodelka, Frederik
    Pilots work in distinct environment and there are many requirements they must fulfill to ensure the safe operation of an aircraft. However, there are also some psychological elements, that might be difficult to deal with, such as stress and high workload, while performing difficult flight tasks. This article explains what causes stress and high workload, and how does it affect pilots. Some of the vital functions of human body can be used to measure stress and high workload. The final part will deal with some research, using modern methods to measure stress and high workload during different flight phases, to upgrade cockpit ergonomics and procedures in aviation.
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    Changes in visibility caused by atmospheric fronts
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Valo, Sebastián; Jarošová, Miriam
    This scientific thesis deals with the research and analysis of atmospheric fronts and their effect on visibility focused on aviation in Žilina airport, Poprad – Tatry airport and Košice airport. For the purposes of research and analysis of changes in visibility due to the atmospheric fronts passing through, METAR reports from the above-mentioned airports and bulletins of meteorology and climatology published every month were used. We analyzed reports from 2017 to 2021, a 5-year period. In this thesis, there is also an atmosphere with its layers, fronts and visibility. This scientific thesis was developed under the supervision of the thesis supervisor. For the analysis, we used METAR reports provided by the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute.
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    Optimization of ground handling processes at KSC airport
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Baštáková, Zuzana; Rostáš, Ján
    Content of this professional article is to describe ground handling processes at the airport in Košice. The main goal is to optimize ground handling with an emphasis on their efficiency not only from the point of view of the range and quality of services provided, but also their correct timing. At the beginning of the article, I describe ground support equipments as well as all related activities that must be performed by handling workers to ensure the smooth operation of the airport and the satisfaction of air carriers, including their passengers. Part of the work is the analysis of technical parameters and functionalities of the equipment and technologies used on apron. The next part is devoted to the description and analysis of the system of ground handling at Košice airport. The last part will belong to the issue of process improvement with the identification of proposed changes leading to more efficient ground handling.