Univerzitná knižnica - Vedecké odborné časopisy

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    Výroba švových rúr malých priemerov z austenitických ocelí
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Bílik, Jozef; Sobota, Róbert
    The article focuses on the analysis of the production process of small diameter seam tubes made of austenitic steels used in the food industry, automotive and aerospace industries, in measurement technology, heating elements, in healthcare in the production of needles for syringes, for heat exchangers designed to cool exhaust gases in the automotive industry and for fuel-oil heat exchangers used in the aerospace industry. The article deals with the production of precision seam tubes with a diameter of 6 mm and a wall thickness of 1 mm. The aim was to optimize the process using simulation using the DEFORM 3D simulation program. The solution consisted in adjusting the geometry of the beam and improving the friction ratios during the drawing.
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    Využitie optickej 3D digitalizácie pri meraní rozmerov bezšvíkových oceľových rúr ťahaných za studena
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Morovič, Ladislav; Bílik, Jozef; Havran, Filip
    The paper deals with the use of a non-contact measurement method - optical 3D digitization (active triangulation/structured light method) - in measuring the dimensions (outer and inner diameter) of seamless cold drawn steel tubes. The paper focuses on three areas of tube measurement by 3D digitization: (1) measurement of dimensions at different tube sections, (2) measurement of dirty tube surface, (3) evaluation of measured values in terms of different settings of polygonization. The results of the measured values and findings serve as useful information when deciding on the choice of 3D digitization method for measuring seamless steel tubes.
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    Analýza vlastností medených drôtov vyrobených pretlačovaním
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Bílik, Jozef; Sobota, Róbert
    The article focuses on the production of copper wires by extrusion and the evaluation of their mechanical properties. The article presents the results obtained on the basis of tensile tests and on the basis of hardness measurement. The tests were carried out on a semi-finished product with a circular cross-section and on manufactured wires with a rectangular cross-section. The wires produced were 9.5x4.5 mm, 10.5x1.65 mm and 5.75x1.35 mm. The impact of the transformation on the microstructure of the produced wire was also monitored.
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    Vplyv technologických parametrov pri prievlačnom ťahaní rúr na ich výsledné vlastnosti a presnosť
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Bílik, Jozef; Sobota, Róbert; Kritikos, Michaela
    The article is focused on the implementation of experimental tests in order to monitor the impact of technological parameters during the drawing of tubes on their resulting properties and accuracy. In experimental tests, samples of seamless tubes with dimensions of Ø14, Ø16 and Ø18 were used, which were pulled by pressing to the final outer diameter of Ø12. Measurements of internal and external diameter as well as tensile tests to determine mechanical properties were carried out before and after drawing on the tubes. Experimental tests were carried out in order to optimize the drawing process to reduce the number of operations and reduce production costs.
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    Technológ 3/2022
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022) Sýkorová, Martina; Bolibruchová, Dana; Bílik, Jozef; Sobota, Róbert; Šuba, Roland; Mojžiš, Milan; Litvaj, Ivan; Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Ishchuk, Vadym; Molnár, Denis; Štaffenová, Katarína; Rakyta, Miroslav; Bubeník, Peter; Biňasová, Vladimíra; Kasajová, Marta; Tarbajovský, Pavol; Puškár, Michal; Абович Подригало, Михаил; Петрович Кравченко, Александр; Герлици, Юрай; Сергеевич Шеин, Виталий; Сергеевич Ткаченко, Александр; Александровна Кравченко, Екатерина; Kantoríková, Elena; Koňár, Radoslav; Matejka, Marek; Podprocká, Radka; Kostrzewski, Mariusz; Jerzy Nowak, Wojciech; Medňanský, Martin; Brůna, Marek
    Vplyv teploty precipitačného vytvrdzovania na vlastnosti zliatiny AlSi5Cu2Mg legovanej Zr || Seamless Tubes Manufacturing Processes Analysis || Decision-making process and knowledge management, knowledge management and skills || Nákladné prívesy za traktor - koncepčné usporiadanie a ich typy || Proces reverzného inžinierstva s využitím 3D laserového skenovania || Nákladné prívesy za traktor - špeciálne verzie a zvláštna výbava || Knowledge, knowledge management and innovations || Návrh modelu parného rušňa || Integrovaný systém pre redukciu emisií spaľovacích motorov || Technical preparation of production || О выборе мощности двигателя автомобиля на этапе проектирования || Vplyv tepelného spracovania na nástrojové ocele || Skúsenosti pri ultrazvukovom skúšaní zvarov v praxi || Hodnotenie tepelného zaťaženia vysokotlakovej formy pomocou numerickej simulácie || Rzeczy kilka o transporcie kolejowym ładunków w Japonii || Precipitačné vytvrdzovanie Al-Si-Cu-Mg zliatin || Numerické simulácie vplyvu technologických faktorov na štruktúru vysokotlakových odliatkov