Univerzitná knižnica - Vedecké odborné časopisy

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    Effect of Injection Advance Angle on Auto-Ignition Delay and Response of Ad3.152 Ur Engine
    (University of Zilina, 2014) Ambrozik, Andrzej; Ambrozik, Tomasz; Kurczyński, Dariusz; Łagowski, Piotr
    The paper presents the results of experimental investigations into the effect of injection advance angle in the AD3.152UR engine on auto-ignition delay time and engine response coefficient value. In the tests, the engine operated under the full load characteristics and was fuelled by commercial diesel oil. The injection advance angle ranged αww<13, 21> CA deg. The tests aimed to assess the engine ability to adapt to variable load conditions.
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    Comparative Assessment of CI Engine Response
    (University of Zilina, 2014) Ambrozik, Andrzej; Ambrozik, Tomasz; Kurczyński, Dariusz; Łagowski, Piotr
    The response of the piston internal combustion engine provides an important indicator to assess the engine ability to adapt to constantly varying load conditions in its operation. It is the main criterion by which engines powering automotive vehicles are evaluated. It also affects road safety. The engine response depends on the profile of the curve that shows changes in the engine torque as a function of the crankshaft rotational speed. The paper presents a comparison of CI engines representing different generations with respect to constructional level. The engines that underwent comparison were equipped with the fuel system with a rotary injection pump and with Common Rail fuel system.
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    Fuel Impact on the Response of AD3.152 UR Engine
    (University of Zilina, 2014) Ambrozik, Andrzej; Ambrozik, Tomasz; Kurczyński, Dariusz; Łagowski, Piotr
    The paper presents results of investigations into the AD3.152 UR engine running on five fuels: commercial diesel oil DO, rapeseed oil fatty acid methyl esters FAME and their blends B10 (90% DO + 10% FAME), B20 (80% DO + 20% FAME), B30 (70% DO + 30% FAME). During the tests, the engine operated in accordance with the full load characteristics. Those characteristics were used to determine the engine response. The paper provides an assessment of the impact of the type of plant-derived fuel on the engine response.