Univerzitná knižnica - Vedecké odborné časopisy

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    Identifikácia možností využívania alternatívnych palív v letectve
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Lehocká, Paulína; Rostáš, Ján
    The article focuses on the possibilities of using alternative fuels in the field of air transport with the aim to show the process of production and use of various alternative fuels from both economic and ecological point of view. One of the main themes of my work is the comparison of different types of alternative fuels according to different criteria. In the technical paper, I have also discussed the projects already existing or planned in the future by leading aircraft manufacturers, which aim to implement alternative fuels in the aviation sector. The aim of the paper is to analyze and evaluate the prospect of the full use of these concepts and the fuels used by them in the future in terms of economic use of resources, sustainability, but also efficiency, and their subsequent comparison and inclusion in practice.
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    Fuel Impact on the Response of AD3.152 UR Engine
    (University of Zilina, 2014) Ambrozik, Andrzej; Ambrozik, Tomasz; Kurczyński, Dariusz; Łagowski, Piotr
    The paper presents results of investigations into the AD3.152 UR engine running on five fuels: commercial diesel oil DO, rapeseed oil fatty acid methyl esters FAME and their blends B10 (90% DO + 10% FAME), B20 (80% DO + 20% FAME), B30 (70% DO + 30% FAME). During the tests, the engine operated in accordance with the full load characteristics. Those characteristics were used to determine the engine response. The paper provides an assessment of the impact of the type of plant-derived fuel on the engine response.