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Item Krízový manažment - celé číslo 2/2019(University of Zilina, 2019-12-10) Oulehlová, Alena; Malachová, Hana; Sopóci, Milan; Walancik, Marek; Špaček, Miroslav; Kopecký, Zdeněk; Pulpán, Petr; Hadáček, Libor; Loveček, Tomáš; Soušek, Radovan; Sýkora, Vlastimil; Hylák, Čestmír; Sklenárová, Martina; Štroch, Petr; Slemenský, Miroslav; Betuš, Ľubomír; Míka, Vladimír; Wieser, Vladimír; Adamec, Bohumil; Molovčáková, Nina; Blahová, Marta; Hromada, Martin; Hofreiter, LadislavItem Krízový manažment - celé číslo 2/2020(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020)Item CVIČENÍ SLOŽEK INTEGROVANÉHO ZÁCHRANNÉHO SYSTÉMU – OPAKUJÍ SE CHYBY?(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Vidunová, Jana; Charlotte Ralbovská, Denisa; Šín, RobinItem ÚPRAVA KRITÉRIÍ PRO URČOVÁNÍ KRITICKÉ INFORMAČNÍ INFRASTRUKTURY ČESKÉ REPUBLIKY(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Bernátek, JosefItem RIZIKÁ KONTAMINÁCIE BIOTICKÝCH A ABIOTICKÝCH ZLOŽIEK ŽIVOTNÉHO PROSTREDIA KADMIOM A OLOVOM(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Varga, Jozef; Benková, NikolaItem Príčiny rozpadu Juhoslávie(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Majchút, Ivan; Vaššová, TatianaConflicts have been part of the existence of man and human society since its inception and we have encountered them throughout human history. Factors that influence the emergence of conflicts are different, but in countries with a diverse ethnic structure, the risk of armed conflict is significantly higher. The bloody conflict in the former Yugoslavia, which erupted in the early 1990s, is a complex problem that we are trying to analyze as comprehensively as possible in this article. The aim of the article is to describe the individual factors of ethnic tension and to point out their influence on the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia.Item ANALÝZA A NÁVRH VIDEO ANALYTICKÉHO NÁSTROJA PRE MONITOROVANIE NEŠTANDARDNÉHO SPRÁVANIA(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Mariš, LadislavItem POSÚDENIE SÚČASNÉHO STAVU POSUDZOVANIA RIZÍK KRÁTKODOBÝCH PROJEKTOV VO SVETE(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Masár, MatejItem ÚLOHY POLICAJNÝCH ZLOŽIEK PRI PRESUNE FANÚŠIKOV ZO ŽELEZNIČNEJ STANICE NA FUTBALOVÉ ZÁPASY V SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKE(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Szatmári, MichalItem Komparácia vybraných metód využiteľných v manažmente rizík projektov(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Brutovský, Michal; Šimíčková, JanaThe project Is effective if the goals and defined benefits of the project are appropriately set, the risks are assessed in detail with the subsequent implementation of measures to minimize them and the correction of project activities. Effective risk assessment and management requires the interaction of several factors and functions that will keep the implementation of the project in the right direction regardless of the problem addressed. During the project activity, project managers must follow appropriate methods and procedures in the field of risk assessment and management. The choice of an appropriate method depends on the nature of the project as well as the knowledge of the project manager, but it is essential that risk management is implemented in project management from the very beginning of the project idea and purpose to its implementation and sustainability. The aim of the article is to provide managers with an overview of the methods and procedures used in project risk management that will help prevent the difficulty of meeting the set project boundaries and objectives.Item TESTOVANIE BEZPEČNOSTNÝCH KAMEROVÝCH SYSTÉMOV – NAHRÁVACIE ZARIADENIA(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Veľas, Andrej; Mariš, LadislavItem Bezpečnosť príslušníkov obecných polícií(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Šoltés, Viktor; Kubás, Jozef; Cidlinová, Anna; Štědrý, RomanIn the context of the occupation of any profession, it is essential to emphasize the level of safety and health at work. Employees performing specific professions who are at increased risk of an accident at work also require a specific approach to safety and health at work. As part of their work, members of the municipal police face a variety of situations in which their safety and health may be compromise. In order to increase the level of safety and health at work at work of members of the municipal police, it is necessary to examine and assess the current state of their safety. The aim of the paper is to analyse the position and evaluate the activities of members of the municipal police, and thus create the conditions for increasing their safety and health.Item FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AS A TOOL TO DETECT A CRISIS IN A COMPANY(University of Zilina, 2020) Lukáč, JozefItem Aplikácia analytickej viacúrovňovej metódy pri výbere zatepľovacieho materiálu(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Horváthová, Michaela; Makovická - Osvaldová, LindaThe article deals with the selection of four types of insulation material based on the particular criteria. Specifically, it will be a matter of decision among facade insulation materials. We chose four species of the most used thermal insulation materials that are available on the market and are used frequently. The applied method is an analytical multilevel method that allows us to divide the whole problem into hierarchies and then compare two elements together and thus gain the weights of the criteria. Subsequently, we assessed the alternatives. The selected criteria are the price of the material, the thermal coefficient conductivity, flammability class and ignition time of the sample. The method is verified in the software BPMSG AHP priority calculator.Item Konštruktívna simulácia v príprave krízových manažérov(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Jánošíková, Michaela; Ondrejka, RomanTraining of experts to deal with crisis situations is one of the most significant areas of Crisis Management. One possible way to support the training of Crisis Management Personnel is to use a variety of information technologies, including modelling and simulations. Implementation of simulation into the training and exercises for education purposes in the field of Crisis Management provides us with an opportunity to make the preparation of Crisis Management Personnel more effective. The article presents the role of training of Crisis Management Personnel in Crisis Management, the possibility of using simulations within the Crisis Management Cycle, particularly the use of constructive simulation in the training of Crisis Management Personnel.Item DYNAMIKA POŽIARU V HALOVOM OBJEKTE(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Erdélyiová, Romana; Leitner, BohušItem ŠÍRENIE VAROVNÝCH HLÁSENÍ PRE OBYVATEĽSTVO POMOCOU TERESTRIÁLNEHO DIGITÁLNEHO ROZHLASOVÉHO VYSIELANIA T-DAB+(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Wieser, Vladimír; Adamec, BohumilItem Ochrana kultúrneho dedičstva počas ozbrojených konfliktov(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Jangl, ŠtefanArmed conflicts are not only international. The development at the end of the 20th century brought a new type of conflicts, called national conflicts. These conflicts take place in the territory of the collapsed and disrupted states. In Europe, the conflict in the Balkans - the break-up of Yugoslavia is such an example of national conflicts. There were problems with criminal liability for failing to respect of the obligation to protect the cultural heritage by bombing Dubrovnik and Violation of the Hague Convention on the Protection of Cultural Property during the Period of Military Activity. The creation of the UNTAES peacekeeping mission, the "UN Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium", was intended to help the parties involved in the conflict to perform the demilitarization of the region and its reintegration under Croatian administration. This part of the article focuses on the Slovak Peace Battalion of the UN Peacekeeping Force in UNTAES and its presence and activities in the region. Slovak Peace Battalion has helped the local minorities to have a positive mindset and build confidence to maintain cultural traditionsItem Krízový manažment - celé číslo 1/2020(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020)Item Vývoj komunikačního prostředí simulátoru na podporu řešení krizových situací(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Barta, Jiří; Kalenda, JiříExercises of the crisis management authorities, which test and verify both plans and capabilities, form part of the crisis preparedness. This article deals with the preparation and implementation of the exercise of crisis management authorities in the Czech Republic. The first part of the article deals with the preparation and putting into practice of crisis preparedness training using software and simulation tools and selected modules, tested at the gas supplies breakdown of large scale. Next part of the article focuses on the training of the crisis management bodies, describing all preparation and implementation phases. The results of the exercise were applied in an evaluation, which detected problems in the field of crisis communication. The exercises tested a simulator, which is being developed. This simulator allowed to record communication and thereby to create conditions similar to the real situation. Simulation has a considerable impact on preparedness due to the possibility to test and verify plans and capabilities of included bodies, identify deficiencies and create an environment for improvements.