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Item 3D modelovanie pre potreby simulačnej rekonštrukcie pádu ľudského subjektu z výšky(University of Žilina, 2023) Kolla, Eduard; Adamová, VeronikaThe article presents the methodology for 3D modelling for biomechanical evaluation of falls from the height of a human subject. It focuses on 3D modelling as a base for numerical simulation using multibody modules in the PC-Crash simulation software. Basic steps for the creation of a 3D multibody model of the relevant building structure from a 3D point cloud are presented, as well as the procedure for the creation of a biofidelic female human body model. The multibody model of building structure and a multibody model of the human body can be in the following steps used for comprehensive parametric evaluation of possible fall scenarios using the iterative approach for convergence of trace correspondences.Item ANALÝZA A NÁVRH VIDEO ANALYTICKÉHO NÁSTROJA PRE MONITOROVANIE NEŠTANDARDNÉHO SPRÁVANIA(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Mariš, LadislavItem Analýza rizika iniciácie usadenej vrstvy prachu smreka vybranými iniciačnými zdrojmi(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Tureková, Ivana; Marková, IvetaThe article evaluates the minimal initiation temperature and hot surface temperature of the spruce dust layer using selected ignition sources. The influence of selected physical properties of wood dust, the size of the contact area between the ignition source and the combustible material, the ignition time, and the thermally degraded area are monitored. The article describes the behaviour of a 15 mm beech dust layer (Beech Fagus silvatica L.) under the action of three potential initiating sources: a hot surface, an electric spiral, and a smouldering cigarette. Prior to the experimental determination of the minimum ignition temperature, the dust moisture was determined and the sieve analysis was performed. The lowest minimum ignition temperature on the hot plate was 280 °C. The ignition mechanism of wood dust was comparable for all initiators investigated, differing in the ignition time and the area of the thermally degraded layer. The least effective was the initiating source of the smouldering cigarette.Item Analýza vybraných indikátorov hodnotenia zmeny klímy na území SR (pre účely podpory rozvoja záchranných služieb)(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2021) Marková, Iveta; Monoši, MikulášThe development of climate change is evaluated based on trends in long-term time series (1951 - 2018) of individual climatic elements, comparing values of individual years with the standard period in climatology 1961 - 1990 (SAŽP, 2019). The aim of the article is to evaluate climate elements, namely the production of greenhouse gases, average annual air temperature, annual total atmospheric precipitation, drought index and annual soil temperature (soil index). Data presented in the article are obtained from public reports on the state of the environment in the Slovak Republic and other related documents. In 1881 - 2018, Slovakia underwent significant changes in all monitored climatic elements. The most crucial changes occurred in 2017 and 2018.Item Analýza výjezdové činnosti jednotek požární ochrany na území okresu Cheb a v příhraniční oblasti(University of Zilina, 2021) Tomášek, MartinThe article deals with the analysis of emergency incidents of fire protection units in the district of Cheb. The first part of the article deals with the organization of fire protection units and their firefighting areas within the district of Cheb. A considerable part of the article focuses also on the cross-border cooperation with the fire protection units on the other side of the state border. The practical part of the article deals with the statistics of emergency incidents of fire protection units. These emergency incidents have been furthermore analysed in detail according to their type. The following part analyses the emergency incidents of fire protection units in the border area on both sides of the state border. The final part of the article evaluates the results of the analysis of emergency incidents of fire protection units. On the basis of these results improvements in the field of human resources, financial security or technical means for more effective emergency management have been proposed.Item Analýza výsledkov aplikácie koncepcie CPTED v zahraničí(University of Zilina, 2022) Kubalová, KlaudiaThe process of designing security into architecture is known as "Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design." It includes a design built environment to reduce opportunities and fear of crime. Crime prevention through environmental design can help with reducing the chances of committing crimes and also can provide guidance to property owners on how to protect their property. There is not enough information about the concept in the territory of the Slovak Republic, so the objective of this article is to point out its effectiveness. The effectiveness of the CPTED concept will be demonstrated through an analysis of implemented projects abroad, which have confirmed that the concept is an effective, successful and feasible multidisciplinary prevention strategy.Item Aplikácia analytickej viacúrovňovej metódy pri výbere zatepľovacieho materiálu(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Horváthová, Michaela; Makovická - Osvaldová, LindaThe article deals with the selection of four types of insulation material based on the particular criteria. Specifically, it will be a matter of decision among facade insulation materials. We chose four species of the most used thermal insulation materials that are available on the market and are used frequently. The applied method is an analytical multilevel method that allows us to divide the whole problem into hierarchies and then compare two elements together and thus gain the weights of the criteria. Subsequently, we assessed the alternatives. The selected criteria are the price of the material, the thermal coefficient conductivity, flammability class and ignition time of the sample. The method is verified in the software BPMSG AHP priority calculator.Item Bezpečnosť a ochrana zdravia pri práci s ohľadom na štatistickú klasifikáciu ekonomických činností(University of Žilina, 2023) Kubás, Jozef; Buganová, Katarína; Sventeková, Eva; Petrlová, Katarína; Cidlinová, AnnaOccupational health and safety is responsible for creating conditions that eliminate the impact of hazardous and harmful factors of the work process or environment on employees. The employer is obliged to report work accidents with the prescribed formalities to the labour inspectorate. The Labour Inspectorate keeps a record of the accidents in question but does not carry out a detailed comparison of the individual factors in the work accident. In order to ascertain the factors influencing the accident, the accident records from the regional inspectorate were analysed and collated. The records were for the period 2012 to 2022. Based on the most common groups of injuries identified in each category, opportunities for improving occupational health and safety were suggested.Item Bezpečnosť príslušníkov obecných polícií(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Šoltés, Viktor; Kubás, Jozef; Cidlinová, Anna; Štědrý, RomanIn the context of the occupation of any profession, it is essential to emphasize the level of safety and health at work. Employees performing specific professions who are at increased risk of an accident at work also require a specific approach to safety and health at work. As part of their work, members of the municipal police face a variety of situations in which their safety and health may be compromise. In order to increase the level of safety and health at work at work of members of the municipal police, it is necessary to examine and assess the current state of their safety. The aim of the paper is to analyse the position and evaluate the activities of members of the municipal police, and thus create the conditions for increasing their safety and health.Item Bezpečnosť účastníkov cestnej premávky a ich vplyv na vnímanie dopravnej situácie(University of Žilina, 2023) Ballay, Michal; Macurová, Ľudmila; Kohút, Pavol; Rédl, MiroslavWhen analysing an accident scene, one of the significant tasks is to evaluate the driver's ability to perceive the traffic situation according to different aspects. Currently, there are various eye movement measurement systems designed to perform a high-quality reconstruction of the direction of eye movement of road users depending on time. In addition to the basic physiology of the perception of road users, the paper deals with using the Viewpointsystem® measurement system designed to analyse eye movement when perceiving the traffic situation. The article assesses the development of traffic accidents in the Slovak Republic according to the consequences of traffic accidents and categories of road users. As part of determining the decisive moment for a collision situation, an analysis of the direction of the eye movement of the driver of the vehicle during a dangerous traffic situation while driving on a road section located in a rural area is performed.Item Crisis (un)preparedness in the healthcare sector in the Czech Republic(University of Zilina, 2022) Klementová, IvetaThis article deals with crisis (un)preparedness in health care in the Czech Republic. In the descriptive part we can find the current state of knowledge of crisis preparedness in the Czech Republic, including a description of individual institutions working in this field. Emphasis is also placed on the connection with the current legislation describing crisis preparedness in health care, i.e. the role of the Ministry of Health, health stations, ambulance services or hospitals. The descriptive part concludes that the currently set system has its loopholes. Therefore the article also suggests possible improvements in chapter 2. It focuses on conducting a thorough risk analysis, crisis planning and its prompt updating, and, last but not least, it also points out the method of verification of the set rules, i.e. exercises. The present article is a communication.Item CVIČENÍ SLOŽEK INTEGROVANÉHO ZÁCHRANNÉHO SYSTÉMU – OPAKUJÍ SE CHYBY?(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Vidunová, Jana; Charlotte Ralbovská, Denisa; Šín, RobinItem Dokumentácia trojrozmerných trasologických stôp pomocou aplikácie fotogrametrie blízkeho dosahu(University of Zilina, 2022) Adamová, Veronika; Šoltés, Viktor; Boc, KamilThe article focuses on applying the photogrammetric method in securing criminologically relevant traceological tracks. We presented documenting three-dimensional shoe traces in sand and soil. Experience confirms the unsuitability of using some common securing methods, such as casting by gypsum, e.g. with traceological traces in the snow. Such traces cannot be secure by casting, and thus another procedure is used, which is very lengthy and requires up to several hours. Therefore, it is significant to address non-destructive methods and examine their application potential, advantages and disadvantages. This article provides a basic theoretical overview of currently used forensic techniques in documenting the plastic traceological traces, and then presents the issue of photogrammetry in the context of describing the basic principle of operation and its application to forensics. In the methodological part, an overview of individual work steps is provided and the results themselves represent digital 3D models of traceological tracks. The conclusion of the article contains an evaluation of the results of the work, as well as pointing fout the benefits of close-range photogrammetry for forensic practice.Item Dynamická sorpční kapacita malých ochranných filtrů – průmyslové škodliviny(University of Zilina, 2021) Sýkora, Vlastimil; Hylák, ČestmírThe aim of the study was to assess the effects of input parameters on the value of dynamic sorption capacity of small protective filters used in the civil protection of the Czech Republic. Relative humidity, the concentration of the test substance/air mixture, type of filter, year of manufacture, batch and type of sorbent, were used as the monitored parameters. The measurements were performed using a gas-air mixture bas ed on cyclohexane, ammonia, sulphur dioxide, chlorine and sulfane. MOF, MOF-2, MOF-4, MOF-5 and MOF-6-M filters were used for the measurements. It has been detected that the tested filters in many cases meet the requirements of the relevant Standard for sorption capacity, namely in cases of cyclohexane, sulfane and sulphur dioxide. It has also been established that MOF-4 filters containing medium-grained sorbent SZS-1000 attained lower values of sorption capacity than filters with CHS-5 sorbent.Item DYNAMIKA POŽIARU V HALOVOM OBJEKTE(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Erdélyiová, Romana; Leitner, BohušItem Emergence of the local reporting service in the former Czechoslovakia as an important part of civil air defence(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Kyselák, Jan; Janošek, MiroslavThe article briefly deals with the genesis of the local reporting service as part of civil anti-aircraft protection established in former Czechoslovakia in the mid-1930s. The purpose of this service was, among other aspects, a reaction to the threat of the outbreak of the Second World War and the associated possible use of the then-German air forces in this war, which again began to take shape in the middle of this decade. The preparation of the article is based on a content analysis of contemporary materials (especially magazines, legal standards, professional publications, etc.) devoted to the given issue. The authors conclude that the concept of a local reporting service was viable for its time, corresponded to the possibilities of the state and, at the same time, the maturity of the technical means that could support the activity of this significant service.Item Employee and managerial competences in logistics companies(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Paweska, MarcinThe article presents the basic conditions for the functioning of logistics companies. The implications of globalisation processes have been strongly emphasized. It has been highlighted that the internationalisation of business activity is one of the important factors influencing the need, even the necessity, to constantly improve employee and managerial competences. They were the subject of surveys, the results of which are presented in the final part of the article. Research has shown that the basic competencies of logistic company personnel are interdisciplinary knowledge, effective skills for coping in various situations, and the ability to resolve various problems quickly, regardless of the conditions under which the company operates.Item FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AS A TOOL TO DETECT A CRISIS IN A COMPANY(University of Zilina, 2020) Lukáč, JozefItem Identifikácia a hodnotenie problémových objektov cestnej infraštruktúry z hľadiska prejazdnosti hasičskej techniky(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Leitner, Bohuš; Ballay, Michal; Krišanda, JánThe paper contains the characteristics and results of the proposed procedure for the locations and specific objects of the transport infrastructure identification in the selected territory, which may have a negative impact on the conditions for the smooth passage of firefighting equipment. The aim of the paper is the presentation of a practically focused procedure for identifying problem areas and objects on land roads from the point of view of fast and safe transportation of emergency equipment to the scene of the incident. The article contains a description of the proposed, practically oriented, procedure designed to reveal the so-called permanent or temporary critical locations and selected results from its practical application to the emergency perimeter of the Liptovský Hrádok fire stationItem Impact of fintech on systemic risk in banking: literature review(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Petrík, VladimírThe finance industry faces disruption when banks, as traditional incumbents, have to deal with growing competition from FinTech and BigTech companies. FinTech institutions are connected to traditional financial institutions like banks via various channels, constituting themselves as a part of the financial market and systemic risk with the possibility of spillover and risk contagion effects. The goal is to provide a literature review to detect theoretical perspectives, topics, and common issues in the connection between FinTech and systemic risk. A systematic approach to literature review was chosen, resulting in the analysis of 20 articles from the Web of Science database. Results confirm the positive connection between financial technology and systemic risk and call for future research.