Krízový manažment

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Časopis krízový manažment vychádza pravidelne 2 krát za rok. Články sú do časopisu príjmané priebežne. Uzávierky do nasledúceho vydania nového čísla časopisu sú vždy do 15. marca a do 15. októbra. Tabuľka Akceptácia článkov prebieha na základe posúdenia článkov nezávislými oponentmi a rozhodnutia redakčnej rady. Redakcia časopisu akceptuje iba pôvodné články, ktoré ešte neboli uverejnené v žiadnom inom médiu a sú napísané v textovom editore MS Word, rozsah článkov by nemal prekročiť 10 strán formátu A4 a musí byť v súlade so schválenou šablónou, bez číslovania strán. Proces posudzovania článkov sa realizuje formou „Double-blind peer review“.


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    Bezpečnosť a ochrana zdravia pri práci s ohľadom na štatistickú klasifikáciu ekonomických činností
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Kubás, Jozef; Buganová, Katarína; Sventeková, Eva; Petrlová, Katarína; Cidlinová, Anna
    Occupational health and safety is responsible for creating conditions that eliminate the impact of hazardous and harmful factors of the work process or environment on employees. The employer is obliged to report work accidents with the prescribed formalities to the labour inspectorate. The Labour Inspectorate keeps a record of the accidents in question but does not carry out a detailed comparison of the individual factors in the work accident. In order to ascertain the factors influencing the accident, the accident records from the regional inspectorate were analysed and collated. The records were for the period 2012 to 2022. Based on the most common groups of injuries identified in each category, opportunities for improving occupational health and safety were suggested.
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    Implementovanie testovania ochranných masiek do vyučovacieho procesu
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Kubás, Jozef; Kollár, Boris
    Personal protective equipment finds its application in the civil protection system, especially during emergencies with the release of a hazardous substance. In a crisis event requiring the use of personal protective equipment, it is necessary for people to be able to use this equipment. The most common means of protection in civil protection warehouses are protective masks. Therefore, in this article, we have focused on comparing the CM-4 type protective masks and the more modern CM-5 and CM-6 variants through pilot testing. We used practical exercises for students of the Faculty of Security Engineering within the Civil Protection course to obtain data that allowed us to compare the protective masks. The aim of this paper is also to present a developed testing method that can be used to evaluate protective masks focusing on subjective qualitative characteristics.
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    Krízové situácie v prostredí Slovenskej republiky
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022) Kubás, Jozef
    Protection of life, health, property and environment of the inhabitants is a need of all countries in the world. In order for states to be able to manage difficult crisis phenomena, it is necessary to have support in the law. In Slovakia, there are several states of crisis that can be declared or terminated under certain circumstances. The article is focused on the analysis of individual laws that deal with the issue of crisis situations. The article also analyzes individual crisis situations that existed in Slovakia during a certain period. The issue of crisis situations is supplemented by comparative tables of extraordinary events and II. and III. degree of flood activity. These events often precede the declaration of a state of crisis. During II and III. degree of flood activity, rescue works are carried out to prevent the occurrence of floods. That is why the article is supplemented with an analysis of these case in the environment of the Slovak Republic.
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    Vplyv horskej záchrannej služby na bezpečnosť
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2021) Kubás, Jozef; Hollá, Katarína; Polorecká, Mária
    The paper describes the key intervention component included in the integrated rescue system of the Slovak Republic - the Mountain Rescue Service. It represents its inclusion within the integrated rescue system with the definition of the main tasks. Moreover, it specifies in detail the specific activities that this rescue unit performs in the Slovak Republic. In the Conclusions, based on processed statistical data illustrated by graphs, it points out the most frequent interventions of the Mountain Rescue Service and their number. It also highlights the justification for the interventions and their growing number over the years. In the final summary, it points to the fact that within the natural and terrain conditions of the Slovak Republic, the Mountain Rescue Service is an irreplaceable professional rescue component
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    Bezpečnosť príslušníkov obecných polícií
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Šoltés, Viktor; Kubás, Jozef; Cidlinová, Anna; Štědrý, Roman
    In the context of the occupation of any profession, it is essential to emphasize the level of safety and health at work. Employees performing specific professions who are at increased risk of an accident at work also require a specific approach to safety and health at work. As part of their work, members of the municipal police face a variety of situations in which their safety and health may be compromise. In order to increase the level of safety and health at work at work of members of the municipal police, it is necessary to examine and assess the current state of their safety. The aim of the paper is to analyse the position and evaluate the activities of members of the municipal police, and thus create the conditions for increasing their safety and health.
(c) Fakulta bezpečnostného inžinierstva