Krízový manažment

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    Krízový manažment - celé číslo 2/2023
    (University of Žilina, 2023)
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    Tepelné samovznietenie ako najčastejšie sa vyskytujúce fyzikálno-chemické samovznietenie
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Coneva, Iveta
    Self-ignition and self-heating are processes when the heat required for ignition of a substance arises in the substance itself as a result of chemical, physical or biological processes. The term autoignition should be nderstood not only as self-ignition, the ignition of a substance but as a complex, spontaneously occurring process, from the first moment of temperature rise (self-heating temperature) to reaching autoignition temperature, as a result of chemical, physical or biological processes. The result of the self-ignition process is the ignition and subsequent burning of the substance or material in a flameless or flameless manner (smouldering, incandescence). Thermal spontaneous combustion is among the most common cases of physicochemical spontaneous combustion. Thermal autoignition is a thermooxidation process that is anifested by burning (flame or flameless) after previous self-heating of substances that are heated to a temperature at which the released heat of reaction exceeds the amount and speed of heat removed to the environment.
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    Studie jízdních vlastností dopravního automobilu a požárního přívěsného vozíku
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Lasák, Jiří; Jánošík, Ladislav; Jánošíková, Ivana
    The paper briefly summarises selected driving characteristics of a set of transport vehicles on a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter chassis with the fire designation DA-L2Z and a braked fire trailer on a chassis from VEZEKO Ltd. with a total weight of up to 3.5 tonnes. The driving dynamics testing was focused on a crisis braking in a straight direction and driving in a circle at a speed approaching the safe limit for overturning the vehicle and/or the truck. These two tasks belong to the basic driving skills that a fire truck driver must be able to safely manage in a crisis on the road.
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    Bezpečnosť a ochrana zdravia pri práci s ohľadom na štatistickú klasifikáciu ekonomických činností
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Kubás, Jozef; Buganová, Katarína; Sventeková, Eva; Petrlová, Katarína; Cidlinová, Anna
    Occupational health and safety is responsible for creating conditions that eliminate the impact of hazardous and harmful factors of the work process or environment on employees. The employer is obliged to report work accidents with the prescribed formalities to the labour inspectorate. The Labour Inspectorate keeps a record of the accidents in question but does not carry out a detailed comparison of the individual factors in the work accident. In order to ascertain the factors influencing the accident, the accident records from the regional inspectorate were analysed and collated. The records were for the period 2012 to 2022. Based on the most common groups of injuries identified in each category, opportunities for improving occupational health and safety were suggested.
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    Bezpečnosť účastníkov cestnej premávky a ich vplyv na vnímanie dopravnej situácie
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Ballay, Michal; Macurová, Ľudmila; Kohút, Pavol; Rédl, Miroslav
    When analysing an accident scene, one of the significant tasks is to evaluate the driver's ability to perceive the traffic situation according to different aspects. Currently, there are various eye movement measurement systems designed to perform a high-quality reconstruction of the direction of eye movement of road users depending on time. In addition to the basic physiology of the perception of road users, the paper deals with using the Viewpointsystem® measurement system designed to analyse eye movement when perceiving the traffic situation. The article assesses the development of traffic accidents in the Slovak Republic according to the consequences of traffic accidents and categories of road users. As part of determining the decisive moment for a collision situation, an analysis of the direction of the eye movement of the driver of the vehicle during a dangerous traffic situation while driving on a road section located in a rural area is performed.
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    Prevencia finančnej krízy v podniku pomocou analýzy scenárov
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Kardoš, Peter
    External threats in the global environment and the resulting economic consequences, e.g. the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the rise in energy prices, and rising inflation, make corporates give more attention to the prevention of crises. Since some adverse events are less predictable, the need for greater preparedness and associated risk assessment using various methods and techniques, e.g. scenario analysis, is in place. The article aims to present the results of a case study focused on managing a service enterprise during a financial crisis using scenario analysis to prevent bankruptcy. The results of this case study in a specific service enterprise point to the need to pay attention to scenario analysis, with the help of which the enterprise can think about future development and possible economic consequences and take appropriate measures to avoid a crisis or ankruptcy. Processed results benefit board members, key process managers, risk experts, regulators, etc., not only in the business sector but also in the public sector in Slovakia and other countries worldwide.
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    Metodika tvorby a zaisťovania chodníčka bipedálnej ľudskej lokomócie
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Šimčeková, Damiána; Adamová, Veronika
    A part of specific methods in criminalistics applied in practice is tracology, used for obtaining and documenting evidence from crime scenes. Tracology deals with various types of evidence, including footprints, tire tracks, and footwear. We must not overlook traces left by lips, teeth, or other parts of the human body. This work describes the creation of a human locomotion pathway on a surface. The pathway is generated by the coloured soles of an individual walking to collect documents. In a real-life scenario, we can envision a situation where a perpetrator steps in the victim's blood and then walks across a carpet, leaving traces in the process. After leaving these traces, a forensic expert can secure and extract necessary information from them. This information may include parameters such as the length of a single step or a pair of steps, which can subsequently be used in mathematical models to estimate the body height of the individual. The presented article focuses on the approach to the field of tracology, which represents a distinct scientific discipline within the realm of criminalistics. Specifically, in this article, our emphasis is on presenting the measurement and data collection process in connection with the resolution of an institutional grant project.
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    3D modelovanie pre potreby simulačnej rekonštrukcie pádu ľudského subjektu z výšky
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Kolla, Eduard; Adamová, Veronika
    The article presents the methodology for 3D modelling for biomechanical evaluation of falls from the height of a human subject. It focuses on 3D modelling as a base for numerical simulation using multibody modules in the PC-Crash simulation software. Basic steps for the creation of a 3D multibody model of the relevant building structure from a 3D point cloud are presented, as well as the procedure for the creation of a biofidelic female human body model. The multibody model of building structure and a multibody model of the human body can be in the following steps used for comprehensive parametric evaluation of possible fall scenarios using the iterative approach for convergence of trace correspondences.
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    Vybrané problémy hasičských jednotiek pri zdolávaní požiarov elektromobilov
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Konárik, Milan; Ballay, Michal; Svetlík, Jozef; Kalužník, Dávid
    The article deals with the topic of electric cars. In the introductory part, the development of the number of electric powered assenger vehicles within the European Union and the Slovak Republic is analyzed. The main part of the article is the assessment of the available material and technical equipment of fire brigades in responding to an electric car fire. These unforeseen circumstances are a new challenge for fire brigades, characterized by the difficulty of response activities. The firefighting equipment and gear of the firefighting units are designed to be a safe and effective way of extinguishing electric vehicle fires. The article points to new means available to firefighting units in the event of these fires.
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    Využitie nových technológií pri monitorovaní kritickej infraštruktúry
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Miške, Michal; Figuli, Lucia; Dvořák, Zdeněk
    In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the assessment of critical infrastructure resilience has also entered a new age. The incorporation of cutting-edge technologies into the evaluation process has revolutionized how we gauge the capacity of critical structures to withstand and recover from various threats, including natural disasters, cyberattacks, and other unforeseen disruptions. This transformation is of paramount importance, given the essential role that critical infrastructure plays in supporting modern societies. These technologies enable a multifaceted approach to resilience assessment, providing a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of vulnerabilities and potential points of failure. One of the primary advantages of these technologies is their ability to process vast amounts of data in real-time. Furthermore, simulations and modelling, powered by these technologies, offer a virtual testing ground for assessing resilience. Engineers and planners can simulate various crisis scenarios, evaluating the infrastructure's ability to withstand and recover from extreme conditions. This virtual experimentation enables the development of more effective contingency plans and investment strategies to enhance resilience. These tools empower decision-makers to make informed choices, reduce vulnerabilities, and improve the resilience of critical infrastructure.
(c) Fakulta bezpečnostného inžinierstva