Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchod

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Elektronický vedecký časopis Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchod je profesne a obsahovo zameraný na problematiku z oblasti poštových a telekomunikačných podnikov ako i prudko sa rozvíjajúcej oblasti elektronického obchodovania. Jeho cieľom je poskytnúť čitateľovi čo najnovšie vedecké informácie zrozumiteľnou, prístupnou formou a pomáhať k ďalšiemu vedeckému rozvoju príslušnej problematiky. Časopis by mal byť obrazom vedecko-výskumnej, vývojovej, pedagogickej činnosti a ďalších činností na trhu komunikácií a riadenia spoločnosti pri prechode na znalostnú ekonomiku.


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 111
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    Produkčná funkcia z hľadiska vybraného sieťového odvetvia
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Garbier, Milan; Čorejová, Tatiana
    Network industries are strategically important areas of the economy. The commodities supplied in this market are related to the basic living needs of the population. The aim of the paper is to identify the framework of production possibilities in the selected network industry. Very specific conditions and a longer history among these sectors have the heating industry, which is undergoing fundamental changes in its business model by applying new technologies.
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    Identification of disruptive exponential technologies of Industry 4.0
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Koncová, Dominika; Kremeňová, Iveta
    As the present is connected to the development and implementation of technologies that fall under Industry 4.0, it is necessary to get acquainted with the main areas of interest. The paper identifies individual disruptive exponential technologies with their examples of use in specific areas and the issue of inconsistency in definition of artificial intelligence (AI) is discussed in more detail. In conclusion, there is definition of AI created by authors.
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    Sú súčasné chatboty využívané poštovými operátormi poskytujúcimi univerzálnu službu v rámci EÚ postačujúce?
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Koncová, Dominika; Kremeňová, Iveta
    The article presents the testing of search engines and chatbots of postal operators of the universal postal service within the European Union for the ability to search for key phrases consisting of text. Based on the analysis, it was found that search engines as well as chatbots were in many cases insufficiently designed and would need to be upgraded.
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    Vplyv pandémie Covid-19 na jednotlivé sektory národného hospodárstva vo vzťahu k zamestnanosti
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Štalmachová, Katarína; Strenitzerová, Mariana
    The COVID-19 pandemic brought rapid and unexpected changes that previous contingency plans and teams were not prepared for. As the pandemic continues to evolve, organizations needed to rethink their business and activities and adapt to the new conditions. Therefore, the aim of the article is to point out the impact of the pandemic in sectors of the national economy and what measures had been taken to maintain employment.
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    Porovnanie platobných brán
    (University of Zilina, 2020) Jucha, Peter; Čorejová, Tatiana
    There are various risks associated with online payment, such as theft of funds or misuse of personal data. For this reason, there are payment gateways that allow you to make secure payments for products purchased online. But there are already many of them today. The aim of the paper is to find out, based on the analysis and comparison of secondary sources, which payment gateways are currently considered the most used according to these sources and to compare them with each other.
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    Komparácia poštových schránok využívaných poštovými operátormi poskytujúcimi univerzálnu službu vo vybraných krajinách
    (University of Zilina, 2020) Koncová, Dominika; Kremeňová, Iveta
    The issue of Paper is the first mile, specifically, collecting mail via letterboxes, by postal operators providing universal services, and necessary implementation of innovations in them. In recent years, there was downward tendency of sent mail, so the question arises as to whether it is necessary to collect mail from letterboxes that have not been filled or if to omit letterboxes altogether.
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    Platobné systémy a bezhotovostný platobný styk vo vybraných krajinách EÚ
    (University of Zilina, 2020) Kováčiková, Martina; Ľubeková, Michaela
    The payment system can be perceived as a certain system forming an important part of the financial infrastructure of a market economy. Payments are made in non-cash and cash form. In the case of non-cash form, the presence of a payment system is required, by means of which transfers of funds are ensured. The interbank payment system is a system where direct participants are represented by banks and is generally based on a correspondence or clearing settlement system. The article describes the types of payment systems within the euro area and the Visegrad Group countries and their basic characteristics.
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    Benchmarkingové porovnávanie služieb elektronického bankovníctva ako ekologickej inovácie
    (University of Zilina, 2020) Loučanová, Erika
    The aim of the paper is benchmarking by comparing selected electronic banking services of Slovak banks as a form of eco-innovation with a focus on innovation in this sector. We point out the differences between the services offered in individual banks, which provide it within the portfolio of their services, as well as the identification of customer requirements. Based on the results, we can state that the customer has not largely mastered the innovations, but they are nevertheless very important from the perspective of the future.