Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchod
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Elektronický vedecký časopis Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchod je profesne a obsahovo zameraný na problematiku z oblasti poštových a telekomunikačných podnikov ako i prudko sa rozvíjajúcej oblasti elektronického obchodovania. Jeho cieľom je poskytnúť čitateľovi čo najnovšie vedecké informácie zrozumiteľnou, prístupnou formou a pomáhať k ďalšiemu vedeckému rozvoju príslušnej problematiky. Časopis by mal byť obrazom vedecko-výskumnej, vývojovej, pedagogickej činnosti a ďalších činností na trhu komunikácií a riadenia spoločnosti pri prechode na znalostnú ekonomiku.
Item ALOKÁCIA SPRACOVATEĽSKÉHO STREDISKA V PREPRAVNEJ SIETI ZOHĽADŇUJÚCA REÁLNY TOK OBJEMU ZÁSIELOK(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Macík, MartinArticle deals with the allocation of main mail processing and distribution center of the national postal operator. Determination takes into consideration the distance between the centers and the actual volume of postal items. The aim of optimization is to improve quality and management of postal operator. In the current difficult economic situation all companies must adopt such action that would reduce their expense and increase profits.Item ANALÝZA IDENTIFIKÁTOROV VYBRANÝCH POŠTOVÝCH ZÁSIELOK A NÁVRH NOVÝCH IDENTIFIKAČNÝCH PRVKOV(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Mojský, Viliam; Achimský, KarolAutomatic identification and its elements are still evolving. One of its areas are 2-dimensional barcodes. They have several advantages over 1-dimensional ones, especially in terms of the amount of information to the code area. We decided to analyse the barcode on the Slovak Post label and replace its 1-dimensional barcode with 2-dimensional barcode to increase the amount of encoded data.Item ANALÝZA METÓD STANOVENIA HODNOTY PODNIKU PLATNÝCH V PODMIENKACH SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2018) Kurotová, JanaDetermining the value of a company can be done by different, determined methods. The aim of the paper is to inform the reader about methods of determining the value of a company in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. The main objective is analysis the methods of determining the value of a company. To achieve the goal, secondary research was needed in which we analysed the methods and their advantages and disadvantages. We analysed the methods that are used for determining the value and are valid under the conditions of the Slovak legislation.Item ANALÝZA MOBILNÝCH APLIKÁCIÍ VYBRANÝCH NÁRODNÝCH POSKYTOVATEĽOV POŠTOVÝCH SLUŽIEB(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2017) Otto, Ivan; Vaculík, JurajWe analyze the mobile app functionality of national postal services providers. We have selected four countries from around the world for a spectacular survey of mobile applications. Using comparison method, we compared selected mobile applications functionality in different countries. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the current state of the mobile application of Slovak Post and design a new application.Item ANALÝZA MOŽNOSTÍ VYUŽITIA ZPL JAZYKA NA TVORBU VYBRANÝCH PREPRAVNÝCH ŠTÍTKOV(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2019) Mojský, ViliamThe article deals with the design of transport labels using selected methods and devices to print them. In the analysis, we investigated the possibilities of creating and printing labels. At the end of the article, we used the results of the analysis to print transport label using an RFID printer. The aim of the article is to provide background for further research activities.Item ANALÝZA NÁSTROJOV MANAŽÉRSKEJ KOMUNIKÁCIE VO VYBRANÝCH PODNIKOCH POSKYTUJÚCICH ELEKTRONICKÉ SLUŽBY(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Kremeňová, Iveta; Fabuš, Juraj; Majchráková, JanaThe article provides an overview of issues related to managerial communication in selected companies providing electronic services. It analyses elements of the communication process, defines individual barriers in managerial communication and points out their subsequent overcoming. As a part of secondary research, we compared internal communication tools and communication channels in several companies in Slovakia and abroad. We then evaluated the findings.Item ANALÝZA TRHU PRÁCE A RIADENIE ĽUDSKÝCH ZDROJOV V IKT SEKTORE(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2016) Strenitzerová, MarianaThe ICT sector is one of the most dynamic sectors in the European Union. It represents a significant proportion of gross domestic product and employment in the EU. For this sector are typical high level of entry qualification (academic education) and together a high level of maintained qualification, skills and knowledge, standards and norms. It follows that at this sector it should be put high emphasis especially to the human resource management and personnel policy. Contribution was collected by analyzing the labor market in the ICT sector. The accent is mainly oriented to the using of new trends in recruiting of qualified personnel (e.g. interest of graduates in ICT sector, HR marketing), economic aspect of personal work (e. g. human resource controlling) and in applying the strategic management principles of human resource activities in ICT companies.Item ANALÝZA TRHU PRÁCE SR V KONTEXTE AGE MANAGEMENTU A PREDPOKLADY JEHO ĎALŠIEHO VÝVOJA(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2019) Štalmachová, Katarína; Strenitzerová, MarianaThe article deals with the analysis of selected statistical indicators of the labour market, namely the employment rate of the 55+ age group and the number of working-age workers in the Slovak Republic. The aging population and labour shortages in the labour market force employers to address the diversity of the age structure of their current as well as potential employees. A properly designed age management system can give organizations a competitive advantage in times of labour shortage. In addition to reducing the financial cost of absenteeism and employee turnover, it will also contribute to increasing employee motivation and performance and improving the overall functioning of processes within the organization. The paper points to changes related to the demographic development of society and its aim is to predict possible development of selected labour market indicators.Item ANALÝZA VYUŽÍVANIA IKT V PROCESE VZDELÁVANIA(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2018) Kremeňová, Iveta; Fabuš, Juraj; Beňušová, JanaModern education - an increasingly resonant theme in every society. The article presents the results of the analysis of the use of ICT in the education process at selected secondary school in Žilina. Based on the current state of modern education, we conducted primary marketing research, which we can understand as successive follow-up steps, which are logically arranged and defined in the two main phases - the preparatory and the implementation phases. The results of the two phases are the subject of our article.Item APLIKÁCIA DIAGNOSTICKEJ METÓDY CRITICAL TO QUALITY V POŠTOVOM PODNIKU DHL EXPRESS(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2016) Možuchová, Lucia; Obermajerová, DenisaThis paper focuses on the critical criteria to quality (CTQ) of DHL Express Slovakia services, which have to improve the quality of DHL services. Based on the primary research facts about the quality of Domestic service, which customers apperceive, were assembled. The aim of paper is to propose the practical application of CTQ method in terms of postal operator DHL Express.Item APLIKÁCIA DIAGNOSTICKEJ METÓDY FMEA V KURIÉRSKEJ SPOLOČNOSTI DPD(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2017) Gašperová, LuciaThe contribution considers the quality diagnostic of the postal company Direct Parcel Distribution SK s.r.o. by applying FMEA method, which focuses on the analysis of failure and effect. Early detection of possible failures in the operating activities of the company can eliminate the formation of additional costs of their removal. The aim is to find out the risk level of failures formation in the process of parcel delivering and to propose recommendations for improving the process.Item BARIÉRY PODNIKANIA V ELEKTRONICKOM OBCHODE (ČASŤ I)(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2016) Madleňáková, Lucia; Mišíková, Michaela; Madleňák, RadovanThe main goal of this paper is to identify and to judge the dangerous aspects of starting a business in the area of electronic commerce. Subsequently in the last part there are suggested actions, based on the critical judgment of the risks, which can increase the successfulness in the e-commerce significantly.Item BARIÉRY PODNIKANIA V ELEKTRONICKOM OBCHODE (ČASŤ II)(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2016) Madleňáková, Lucia; Mišíková, Michaela; Madleňák, RadovanThe final goal of this paper is to propose measures to eliminate identified risks and barriers of starting a business in the area of electronic commerce. In the last part there are there are suggested actions, based on the critical assessment of the risks, which can increase the successfulness in the e-business significantly.Item Benchmarkingové porovnávanie služieb elektronického bankovníctva ako ekologickej inovácie(University of Zilina, 2020) Loučanová, ErikaThe aim of the paper is benchmarking by comparing selected electronic banking services of Slovak banks as a form of eco-innovation with a focus on innovation in this sector. We point out the differences between the services offered in individual banks, which provide it within the portfolio of their services, as well as the identification of customer requirements. Based on the results, we can state that the customer has not largely mastered the innovations, but they are nevertheless very important from the perspective of the future.Item CELOŽIVOTNÁ HODNOTA ZÁKAZNÍKA PRE PODNIK A JEJ VÝZNAM V RÁMCI STRATÉGIE DIFERENCOVANÉHO CRM 1. časť(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2017) Strenitzerová, MarianaThe contribution is devoted to the proposal of differentiated strategy of CRM in the particular service company. There are various needs, requests customer behavior taken into consideration as well as their contribution and lifetime added value for the company. The first part of paper is founded on the current CRM analysis in the particular service company and suggest the new segmentation of customers by their customer lifetime value.Item CROWDFUNDING - NOVÁ FORMA ALTERNATÍVNEHO FINANCOVANIA(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2017) Paďourová, AnnaCrowdfunding has become an interesting financial and support tool for various types of projects over the last decade. The exact definition is: "The financing method of projects and business plans where small amounts of money are collected from a large number of people, most often over the Internet". This form of funding brings together those who have the funds and want to invest with those who need the funds to finance a specific project. On the one side of crowdfunding transaction is a person with a project idea who prepares a crowdfunding campaign, we call this person the project owner. On the other side, there is a crowd of people who provide money for realizing the idea, we call them contributors. The aim of the paper is to provide a basic theoretical framework for crowdfunding and to describe the current situation of innovative financing.Item Crowdfundingové platformy a ich komparácia na základe pôsobnosti(University of Zilina, 2020) Žilinčíková, MáriaAt present, companies operate various forms of financing to finance their projects. One of these resources that comes to the fore is crowdfunding platforms. Therefore, the aim of the article is to compare crowdfunding platforms in selected countries. The comparison focuses on the crowdfung platforms Starter and Hithit in terms of remuneration criteria.Item DEFINOVANIE PRVKU KRITICKEJ INFRAŠTRUKTÚRY V SEKTORE ELEKTRONICKÉ KOMUNIKÁCIE, PODSEKTORE SIETE A SLUŽBY PEVNÝCH A MOBILNÝCH ELEKTRONICKÝCH KOMUNIKÁCIÍ(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Juračič, Pavol; Kutaj, MilanThe article is focused on the matter of protection of critical infrastructure element in the electronic communications sector, in the sub-sector Networks and landline and mobile electronic communications. The main objective of this article is defining a specific company which could be nominated as an operator of critical infrastructure element within the meaning of the Act no. 45/2011 Coll. on Critical Infrastructure.Item E-SOURCING (ELECTRONIC SOURCING) – ESSENTIAL ELEMENT OF E-COMMERCE (ELECTRONIC COMMERCE)(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2019) Majchráková, Jana; Kremeňová, IvetaNowadays, in the age of digitalization and globalization, eSourcing (electronic sourcing) is not only a competitive advantage anymore but it is becoming an essential and irreplaceable element of each company’s procurement strategy. As an important part of eProcurement (electronic procurement), eSourcing represents one of the key elements of modern and successful eCommerce.Item ELEKTRONICKÝ OBCHOD V ČASE PANDÉMIE KORONAVÍRUSU(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Jucha, Peter; Čorejová, TatianaE-commerce is becoming more popular in the world. E-commerce sales are growing worldwide every year, and the number of online shoppers is also growing. The coronavirus pandemic, which has affected the world and affected many areas such as healthcare, the economy and many more, has not escaped e-commerce. The aim of the paper is therefore to evaluate how and in what way the coronavirus pandemic has affected ecommerce.