Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchod
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Elektronický vedecký časopis Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchod je profesne a obsahovo zameraný na problematiku z oblasti poštových a telekomunikačných podnikov ako i prudko sa rozvíjajúcej oblasti elektronického obchodovania. Jeho cieľom je poskytnúť čitateľovi čo najnovšie vedecké informácie zrozumiteľnou, prístupnou formou a pomáhať k ďalšiemu vedeckému rozvoju príslušnej problematiky. Časopis by mal byť obrazom vedecko-výskumnej, vývojovej, pedagogickej činnosti a ďalších činností na trhu komunikácií a riadenia spoločnosti pri prechode na znalostnú ekonomiku.
Item Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchod - celé číslo 2/2015(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015)Item THE SMART PACKAGE AS A TOOL OF INTERNET OF THINGS(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Tengler, Jiří; Kolarovszki, Peter; Paďourová, AnnaThis paper deals with the design and assembly of small electronic devices known as smart parcel or also smart package. It is a small device that allows you to collect data about pressures on the postal package for the transportation. These data can then be used as a source for optimizing or improving the transportation process of postal parcel.Item POŽIARNA BEZPEČNOSŤ POŠTOVÝCH ZÁSIELOK V MOTOROVOM VOZIDLE(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Svetlík, JozefThe paper deals with the development of a fire in a passenger car. Initiation a fire was in the engine compartment. Such a fire is threatening the crew and material transported in the vehicle. Article points out safety postmen and items with respect to the development phase of a fire.Item Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchod - celé číslo 1/2015(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015)Item MAPOVANIE PODNIKOVÝCH PROCESOV V POŠTOVOM PODNIKU(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Kováčiková, Martina; Kováčová, LenkaThe paper deals with the issue of process management, specifically focuses on the demonstration of processing the processes to the path diagrams. In the article, there is described through the path diagram process of recieving complaints and also there are proposed improvements of the process by creating a single Web Form for filing and automatic registration of complaints in the enterprise system of recorded complaintsItem TESTOVANIE RFID TECHNOLÓGIE V AUTOMOTIVE(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Kolarovszki, Peter; Tengler, Jiří; Vaculík, Juraj; Maslák, Ondrej; Unucka, JakubItem DEFINOVANIE PRVKU KRITICKEJ INFRAŠTRUKTÚRY V SEKTORE ELEKTRONICKÉ KOMUNIKÁCIE, PODSEKTORE SIETE A SLUŽBY PEVNÝCH A MOBILNÝCH ELEKTRONICKÝCH KOMUNIKÁCIÍ(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Juračič, Pavol; Kutaj, MilanThe article is focused on the matter of protection of critical infrastructure element in the electronic communications sector, in the sub-sector Networks and landline and mobile electronic communications. The main objective of this article is defining a specific company which could be nominated as an operator of critical infrastructure element within the meaning of the Act no. 45/2011 Coll. on Critical Infrastructure.Item KOMPLEXNÉ HODNOTENIE POUŽITEĽNOSTI UNIVERZITNÝCH WWW STRÁNOK(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Kremeňová, Iveta; Kvasnicová, TeréziaThe article is focused on a comprehensive usability evaluation of university website; in order to draw attention to errors that negatively impact user interaction. By combining different methods we have revealed several errors on the web site of University of Zilina. This assessment is used primarily to remove the found errors, prevention for redesigning pages, but can be also a model for the evaluation of faculty website.Item POZITÍVNA FLEXIBILIZÁCIA PRÁCE V PROSTREDÍ ELEKTRONICKÉHO OBCHODU(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Ďugelová, Monika; Strenitzerová, MarianaFlexible work arrangements reduce stress because employees working flexibly are more satisfied with their jobs and experience better work-family balance. An e-commerce is a perfect sector for implementation of flexible working options according to main characteristics and the specifications. In the paper we propose the process of this implementation and using of flexible work options in e-commerce.Item TEORETICKÉ VÝCHODISKÁ VYMEDZENIA KULTÚRNEHO A KREATÍVNEHO PRIEMYSLU V SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKE(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Madudová, EmíliaThe paper deals with the problem of theoretical definition of cultural and creative industries in Slovak Republic. The paper also describes different approaches of authors and institutions dealing with the problem of unclear terminology in this field. Finally, paper consolidates the various definitions of terminology and compares and describes the approaches mentioned in the body of the paper.Item ALOKÁCIA SPRACOVATEĽSKÉHO STREDISKA V PREPRAVNEJ SIETI ZOHĽADŇUJÚCA REÁLNY TOK OBJEMU ZÁSIELOK(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Macík, MartinArticle deals with the allocation of main mail processing and distribution center of the national postal operator. Determination takes into consideration the distance between the centers and the actual volume of postal items. The aim of optimization is to improve quality and management of postal operator. In the current difficult economic situation all companies must adopt such action that would reduce their expense and increase profits.Item VNÍMANIE JEDNOTLIVÝCH NÁSTROJOV PODPORY PREDAJA NA INTERNETE Z HĽADISKA ZÁKAZNÍKOV(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Hollá Bachanová, PetraThe article is dedicated to the issue of sales promotion on the Internet, as one tool of marketing communication mix. The paper contains the results of surveys aimed at implementation of various tools of sales promotion at home and abroad.Item VYUŽITIE REGRESNEJ A KORELAČNEJ ANALÝZY PRI HĽADANÍ OPTIMÁLNEHO ZLOŽENIA FAKTOROV OVPLYVŇUJÚCICH VÝŠKU POISTNÉHO V POVINNOM ZMLUVNOM POISTENÍ(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Košťálová, Alena; Pavličko, Michal; Sopková, ZuzanaThe article is dedicated to the proposal of optimal composition factors in determining of the amount of Compulsory Contractual Motor Vehicle Third Party Liability Insurance in the selected insurance companies. The goal of this article is to find dependence of the amount of insurance on each factor through regression and correlation analysis, based on which are designed optimal factors for selected companies.Item RIEŠENIE PROBLÉMU VIACERÝCH OBCHODNÝCH CESTUJÚCICH POMOCOU GENETICKÉHO ALGORITMU(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2015) Macík, MartinArticle deals with application of the multiple traveling salesman problem (MTSP) into environment of postal operator. MTSP involves scheduling m > 1 salesmen to visit a set of n > m nodes so that each node is visited exactly once. The objective is to minimize the total distance traveled by all the salesmen. This combinatorial optimization method has a multiplicity of applications, mostly in the areas of routing and scheduling. Simulation of MTSP has been applied on regional postal network. Results show that used software proves to be sufficiently functional for field of postal transport networks.Item MARKETINGOVÝ MIX V PODMIENKACH ENERGETICKÝCH PODNIKOV NA SLOVENSKU(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2016) Rovňanová, Alexandra; Gašová, KatarínaIn the Slovak Republic electricity market were wholesale activities fully liberalized in January 2005. As a result, there has been no price regulation at the wholesale level. Also, import and export prices are determined by bilateral contracts and since January 2005 there are no limits on the amounts of electricity that can be exchanged out of the domestic market. The paper deals with the analysis of three main distribution companies.Item Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchod - celé číslo 2/2016(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2016)Item BARIÉRY PODNIKANIA V ELEKTRONICKOM OBCHODE (ČASŤ II)(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2016) Madleňáková, Lucia; Mišíková, Michaela; Madleňák, RadovanThe final goal of this paper is to propose measures to eliminate identified risks and barriers of starting a business in the area of electronic commerce. In the last part there are there are suggested actions, based on the critical assessment of the risks, which can increase the successfulness in the e-business significantly.Item ANALÝZA TRHU PRÁCE A RIADENIE ĽUDSKÝCH ZDROJOV V IKT SEKTORE(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2016) Strenitzerová, MarianaThe ICT sector is one of the most dynamic sectors in the European Union. It represents a significant proportion of gross domestic product and employment in the EU. For this sector are typical high level of entry qualification (academic education) and together a high level of maintained qualification, skills and knowledge, standards and norms. It follows that at this sector it should be put high emphasis especially to the human resource management and personnel policy. Contribution was collected by analyzing the labor market in the ICT sector. The accent is mainly oriented to the using of new trends in recruiting of qualified personnel (e.g. interest of graduates in ICT sector, HR marketing), economic aspect of personal work (e. g. human resource controlling) and in applying the strategic management principles of human resource activities in ICT companies.Item UPLATNENIE ABSOLVENTOV VYSOKÝCH ŠKÔL V OBLASTI REMESIEL(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2016) Dudová, IvanaThe graduates of universities most frequently respond to work positions which are not connected with their education. These work positions often do not require university education. An emphasis is put on insufficiency of professionals in the labor market. The author analyzes the current situation of graduates in the labor market and points out the importance of professional education and preparation in schools.Item SLOVENSKÁ POŠTA, INC. AS A PROVIDER OF E-GOVERNMENT SERVICES(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2016) Gašová, Katarína; Rovňanová, Alexandra; Valica, MarekIn a post-industrial information-based society the knowledge and information will represent the driving force for further development of the company instead of industrial technologies. Electronization of public administration brings a lot of benefits, but even though governments are experiencing the problems with the implementation of e-Government services. The paper deals with the e-Government services in Slovakia provided by national postal operator and services that are the most used by citizens.