Krízový manažment

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Časopis krízový manažment vychádza pravidelne 2 krát za rok. Články sú do časopisu príjmané priebežne. Uzávierky do nasledúceho vydania nového čísla časopisu sú vždy do 15. marca a do 15. októbra. Tabuľka Akceptácia článkov prebieha na základe posúdenia článkov nezávislými oponentmi a rozhodnutia redakčnej rady. Redakcia časopisu akceptuje iba pôvodné články, ktoré ešte neboli uverejnené v žiadnom inom médiu a sú napísané v textovom editore MS Word, rozsah článkov by nemal prekročiť 10 strán formátu A4 a musí byť v súlade so schválenou šablónou, bez číslovania strán. Proces posudzovania článkov sa realizuje formou „Double-blind peer review“.


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Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
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    Komparatívna analýza vplyvu výšky zábradlia na priebeh relevantných dopadových údajov
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Kolla, Eduard; Adamová, Veronika; Szabo, Lukáš
    The article presents a quantitative biomechanical reconstruction and analysis of a forensically relevant event—a fall of a human subject from height—and a comparative analysis of guardrail height in such incidents. The reconstruction was conducted using the multibody module of PC-Crash simulation software within a 3D model of the technically relevant parts of the building, created from a 3D point cloud of the site. The results of the analysis suggest that the height of the guardrail may have influenced the course of the event, even though the guardrail height met legislative specifications for the given balcony parameters.
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    Aspekty mravnostnej kriminality v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Adamová, Veronika; Šoltés, Viktor
    In the presented article, we focused on the phenomenology of moral criminality in the conditions of the Slovak Republic, primarily derived from statistical data maintained by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic. Emphasis was placed primarily on the analysis of the state and elucidation of selected offenses of moral criminality, their level, dynamics, and structure. The first chapter describes the fundamental theoretical foundations of the issue from the perspective of criminology (etiology of moral criminality), as well as from the perspective of criminalistics. From a criminalistic perspective, we focused on describing the criminalistic characteristics of moral offenses, which significantly contribute to understanding the causes and conditions of committing these offenses and contribute to the formulation of effective preventive measures. The result of the research and analysis is the recognition of the phenomenology of the selected criminality in domestic conditions and the description of a possible procedure and process for the prevention of moral criminality.
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    Metodika tvorby a zaisťovania chodníčka bipedálnej ľudskej lokomócie
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Šimčeková, Damiána; Adamová, Veronika
    A part of specific methods in criminalistics applied in practice is tracology, used for obtaining and documenting evidence from crime scenes. Tracology deals with various types of evidence, including footprints, tire tracks, and footwear. We must not overlook traces left by lips, teeth, or other parts of the human body. This work describes the creation of a human locomotion pathway on a surface. The pathway is generated by the coloured soles of an individual walking to collect documents. In a real-life scenario, we can envision a situation where a perpetrator steps in the victim's blood and then walks across a carpet, leaving traces in the process. After leaving these traces, a forensic expert can secure and extract necessary information from them. This information may include parameters such as the length of a single step or a pair of steps, which can subsequently be used in mathematical models to estimate the body height of the individual. The presented article focuses on the approach to the field of tracology, which represents a distinct scientific discipline within the realm of criminalistics. Specifically, in this article, our emphasis is on presenting the measurement and data collection process in connection with the resolution of an institutional grant project.
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    3D modelovanie pre potreby simulačnej rekonštrukcie pádu ľudského subjektu z výšky
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Kolla, Eduard; Adamová, Veronika
    The article presents the methodology for 3D modelling for biomechanical evaluation of falls from the height of a human subject. It focuses on 3D modelling as a base for numerical simulation using multibody modules in the PC-Crash simulation software. Basic steps for the creation of a 3D multibody model of the relevant building structure from a 3D point cloud are presented, as well as the procedure for the creation of a biofidelic female human body model. The multibody model of building structure and a multibody model of the human body can be in the following steps used for comprehensive parametric evaluation of possible fall scenarios using the iterative approach for convergence of trace correspondences.
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    Metodika získavania vonkajšej geometrie segmentov novej generácie skúšobnej figuríny
    (2022) Adamová, Veronika; Kolla, Eduard
    The article presents the fulfilment of a partial goal of the research project focused on developing and constructing a biofidelic surrogate of the human body to improve the forensic reconstruction of road traffic accidents. It aims to describe the methods and results of acquiring external geometry of segments of crash test dummy Hybrid III. To create a precise spatial representation of dummy segments, we applied 3D laser scanning using the handheld 3D scanner VIUscan Handyscan 3D. The workflow, used material and application of software support are closely described in the methodical part of the article. The results present 3D models of significant material for the continuous fulfilment of project goals. In the follow-up activities, we will use dummy external geometry data, particularly to develop molds for casting segments of new-generation synthetic human body surrogates.
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    Dokumentácia trojrozmerných trasologických stôp pomocou aplikácie fotogrametrie blízkeho dosahu
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Adamová, Veronika; Šoltés, Viktor; Boc, Kamil
    The article focuses on applying the photogrammetric method in securing criminologically relevant traceological tracks. We presented documenting three-dimensional shoe traces in sand and soil. Experience confirms the unsuitability of using some common securing methods, such as casting by gypsum, e.g. with traceological traces in the snow. Such traces cannot be secure by casting, and thus another procedure is used, which is very lengthy and requires up to several hours. Therefore, it is significant to address non-destructive methods and examine their application potential, advantages and disadvantages. This article provides a basic theoretical overview of currently used forensic techniques in documenting the plastic traceological traces, and then presents the issue of photogrammetry in the context of describing the basic principle of operation and its application to forensics. In the methodological part, an overview of individual work steps is provided and the results themselves represent digital 3D models of traceological tracks. The conclusion of the article contains an evaluation of the results of the work, as well as pointing fout the benefits of close-range photogrammetry for forensic practice.
(c) Fakulta bezpečnostného inžinierstva