Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchod
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Elektronický vedecký časopis Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchod je profesne a obsahovo zameraný na problematiku z oblasti poštových a telekomunikačných podnikov ako i prudko sa rozvíjajúcej oblasti elektronického obchodovania. Jeho cieľom je poskytnúť čitateľovi čo najnovšie vedecké informácie zrozumiteľnou, prístupnou formou a pomáhať k ďalšiemu vedeckému rozvoju príslušnej problematiky. Časopis by mal byť obrazom vedecko-výskumnej, vývojovej, pedagogickej činnosti a ďalších činností na trhu komunikácií a riadenia spoločnosti pri prechode na znalostnú ekonomiku.
69 results
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Item Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchod - celé číslo 2/2018(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2018)Celé číslo 2/2018 časopisu Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchodItem NÁVRH VYUŽITIA INFORMAČNÉHO SYSTÉMU PRE RIADENIE VZŤAHOV SO ZÁKAZNÍKMI V PROSTREDÍ ELEKTRONICKÉHO OBCHODOVANIA(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2018) Chinoracký, RomanThe first part of the article is dedicated to the analysis of selected CRM software. The second part of the article focuses on the main goal of this article which is choosing and designing the appropriate use of the CRM software for the selected company. The choice of a CRM software and the design of its appropriate use was made based on an analysis of the company’s internal environment and the analysis and comparation of selected CRM software.Item SLUŽBY E-GOVERNMENTU U NÁRODNÉHO POŠTOVÉHO OPERÁTORA V SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKE(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2018) Jaculjaková, Simona; Štofková, JanaThis article is devoted to e-Government issues in terms of Slovak Post. This article disassembles the Integrated Service Point and the e-Stamp, Payment System services, according to the terms of business of Slovak Post. Subsequently, this article focuses on the new service of the Integrated Citizen Service Workspace, which we can see as a new e-Government approach at Slovak Post.Item ANALÝZA METÓD STANOVENIA HODNOTY PODNIKU PLATNÝCH V PODMIENKACH SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2018) Kurotová, JanaDetermining the value of a company can be done by different, determined methods. The aim of the paper is to inform the reader about methods of determining the value of a company in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. The main objective is analysis the methods of determining the value of a company. To achieve the goal, secondary research was needed in which we analysed the methods and their advantages and disadvantages. We analysed the methods that are used for determining the value and are valid under the conditions of the Slovak legislation.Item HODNOTENIE INFORMÁCIÍ SÚVISIACICH S MONITOROVANÍM POHYBU POŠTOVÝCH ZÁSIELOK(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2018) Madleňáková, Lucia; Fanová, JarmilaThe paper addresses the issue of providing information about the shipment in the distribution process. The goal of the contribution is to find out the level of satisfaction with the provision of information in the shipment tracking system of the selected postal operator. The reason for this is the increase in the volume of e-commerce items and the requirement to provide information on the movement of items is an absolute necessity. We used primary and secondary marketing research and statistical methods.Item KOOPERAČNÝ MANAŽMENT A VÝSKUM MOŽNOSTÍ VYTVÁRANIA KLASTROV(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2018) Štofková, Zuzana; Štofková, JanaCompetitiveness, cooperation and innovation make it possible to multiply the potential of small and medium-sized enterprises. Following the implementation of cooperative management research as an effective approach to gain competitive advantage from clusters, we focused on the implementation of innovative solutions and quality management. The paper presents the results of the survey of advantages and disadvantages of cluster business.Item INTELIGENTNÁ POŠTOVÁ SCHRÁNKA(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2018) Turská, StanislavaThis article deals with the new possibilities of rationalizing postal services through the platform of Internet of Things. The main objective of article is to familiarize readers with the concept of smart postal mailboxes which represent applications of Internet of Things in the field of the delivery of consignments. There are several solutions of smart postal mailboxes that are provided by companies on foreign markets. The article also contains a multiple parameter comparison of individual solutions of smart postal mailboxes.Item Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchod - celé číslo 1/2018(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2018)Celé číslo 1/2018 časopisu Pošta, Telekomunikácie a Elektronický obchodItem SPOKOJNOSŤ ZÁKAZNÍKOV S VYBRANÝMI PARAMETRAMI KVALITY SLUŽIEB SLOVENSKEJ POŠTY, A. S.(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2018) Achimská, VeronikaThis article deals with the issue of customer satisfaction with the services of the national postal operator in the Slovak Republic. The article compares two surveys of customer satisfaction with the aim of pointing to differences in the perception of the quality of postal services between ordinary and corporate customers. Finally, the article illustrates the differences in the perception of the importance of selected quality criteria of the postal services and the satisfaction assessment between these two types of customers.Item NADNÁRODNÉ PRÁVNE FORMY PODNIKANIA A ICH POROVNANIE S VYBRANÝMI PRÁVNYMI FORMAMI PODNIKANIA NA SLOVENSKU(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2018) Garbárová, Miriam; Pilátiková, AndreaAfter Slovak accession to the European Union, new opportunities have opened for Slovak entrepreneurs to develop their activities at the transnational level. Entrepreneurs have been given the opportunity to do business through new transnational legal forms of entrepreneurship and take advantage of the benefits associated with them. The paper deals with transnational forms of business and compares them with selected legal forms of business in Slovakia.